Online Education Trends 2021

Top Trends in Online Learning

Online learning received global attention in 2020 due to the suspension of face-to-face learning by schools because of the Coronavirus pandemic. According to UNESCO, the Covid-19 crisis forced over 1.7 billion learners out of traditional classrooms. Consequently, schools changed courses and lessons to online learning.

Nevertheless, there are many social-economic issues that are contributing to the high demand for virtual learning. These comprise of high costs of textbooks, cost of education, the lifestyle of modern students, as well as access to learning.

High Schools and Colleges are Expanding their Virtual Learning Program

Even though there might be a decrease in demand for online learning post-coronavirus in other areas of the virtual learning market like K-12, high schools and colleges will continue experiencing a higher demand for online courses and content.

Convenience and flexibility are the major deciding factors learners utilize when selecting between a traditional classroom and online learning instructions. Learning House conducted a study whereby it interviewed 1,500 students enrolled in online education. 63 percent of the students stated that they registered since it was their greatest fit for their life and work responsibilities. 34 percent said it was their chosen learning mode, and 3 percent stated that they prefer it since they only get their course online. A similar study also established that 57 percent of the learners registered in a virtual program resided 50 miles from high school, university, or college where they study. This was an increment of 15 percent from the past five years. Notably, this data is interesting since it shows that many high schools and colleges provide an online course that enables learners to stay within.

We forecast that the number of enrollees in high schools and other higher learning organizations will go up, and these schools will increase their online courses in order to respond to the present demand brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nevertheless, whereas technology-based education and online learning continue to increase their current pandemic assignments, professionals suggest that changing 100 percent online should be regarded as a supplementary education approach and not a lasting education method.

Students Empowered Through Microlearning and Mobile Learning

Today’s students are distracted and overwhelmed, but luckily, they are encouraged to study. These students use a learning approach known as “self-serve,” where they are empowered to learn on their own. Also, more than 60 percent of students opt for tailored, timely course materials, and over 56 percent study on-demand. Thus, the mobile’s accessibility and portability can essentially match the lifestyle and needs of modern students and reasons why it would remain the most common online learning delivery method.

Microlearning is a crucial facet of mobile education. It delivers learning instructions in small spurts. Nevertheless, microlearning is more than being small. Notably, microlearning education comprises short or small courses or fairly narrow education subjects or units. Similarly, microlearning includes a learning program where the learning process and instruction design are arranged in small units, majorly because of the specific needs of students.

Examples of content comprise games, video, audio, text, quizzes, and images. For instance, learners may review short instructional videos for a particular assignment prior to performing it to rejuvenate their minds concerning how to do it. Additionally, these short, precise training materials can engage students better by providing them the appropriate instruction when they want them and assist in increasing their retention in the long-term.

Artificial Intelligence Offers Tailored Learning Pathways 

Trends in Online Education 2021
The application of artificial intelligence has been in other sectors such as healthcare and manufacturing. The growth of artificial intelligence is anticipated to hit $6 billion by the year 2024, with the United States and China leading worldwide artificial intelligence (AI) learning investments.

Artificial Intelligence has begun appearing in most high schools, universities, and colleges to streamline their operations or drive enrollments, among others. Tailored learning is one aspect where we expect digital learning and artificial learning so as to prove their huge influence. Auto commendation systems would associate with learners based on their performance, profile, and behavior. Also, the system tracks the skills and topic mastery through examining and suggest other resources such as simulation, games, and videos which are matched to the learning needs of learners.

With challenges such as unproductive one-size-fits-all school types, distracted students, and high rates of dropouts, tailored education pathways assisted by digital learning and artificial intelligence may assist in creating a more engaging educational experience for learners, deter them from leaving school, and increase their motivation.

Learning Analytics Assist in Improving Outcomes of Learning

The education sector across the globe is behind other sectors in regard to the adoption of big data tech. Only 17 percent of the education industry had implemented it as of 2019. Nevertheless, 74 percent show that they might utilize it tomorrow. Notably, learning analytics comes into play here. Most high schools and other institutions of higher learning have been employing learning analytics in order to optimize and understand the outcomes of learning.

For instance, LMSs have data-driven components which assist in measuring crucial indicators of the performance of learners. There is a positive relationship between the grades of students and their Learning Management System usage. Learners getting Fs and Cs always use Learning Management Systems than learners obtaining Bs or better grades.

Additionally, high schools can utilize a Learning Management System to create reports as well as key metrics such as program pass and completion rate percentage to offer insights regarding the efficacy of their program design. Information such as how students access education content when they opt to learn, as well as the duration they spend on instruction, show teachers the engagement of their students with the contents of the course and areas that need improvement.

Moreover, learning analytics may assist learning institutions in making education decisions and institutions. Besides, big data can be used in schools to make decisions in regard to their outreach admissions, and students can use learning analytics in choosing programs.

Video-Based Education Increases to Maximize the Mobile Learning Implication

Future of Online Education in the USA
Videos are a multipurpose medium that is used to deliver mobile learning. Students prefer videos to other social media platforms. Research shows that 82 percent of GenZ and 67 percent of millennials prefer YouTube as a learning platform.

Instant video-based education has been in existence for many years; nevertheless, an emerging repetition is gradually gaining momentum. Notably, this new model helps in addressing innate challenges of video learning like the incapability to track the progress of students as well as passive viewing. Interactivity may be in the form of pointer phrases, keywords, navigation menus, and embedded questions.

With the presence of cutting-edge and affordable video technology, we forecast that many learning institutions would leverage the capability of videos either as the only instruction material or a complement to traditional classrooms.

Technology-Powered Tools Become the Future of Assessment

Technology-powered assessment tools are expected to be the future of learning assessment. Notably, these tools may offer immediate feedback, reduce workloads of instructors, increase efficiency, and integrate summative and formative assessments.

We expect an increase in intelligence systems supported by digital learning and artificial intelligence to achieve constant, unobtrusive testing, as well as deliver teaching depended on what learners want to study. This implies a more personalized learner assessment which might be more empowering and meaningful for the student. Instructors might use Artificial intelligence teaching to determine math topics that learners are facing challenges in order for them to offer personalized help. This technology can contribute to the better performance of students.

Furthermore, AI-enabled assessment tools like iSpringSuite and Nearpod make it easier for teachers to assess the acquisition level of their learners through online questionnaires, courses, and quizzes.

MOOCs Partner with Schools to Focus on Micro-Credential

With the shutdown of schools in March 2020 because of Covid-19, there was an increase in the use of MOOCs. For instance, Coursera experienced more than 10 million sign-ups in 30 days which is a 644% increase that the figures of the previous year. Besides being a marketplace for low-cost or free online programs which may complement a student’s course in high school, MOOCs might also offer more value to the student via stackable micro-credentials.

With the emergence of new technologies, there is a push for many innovations and developments in online learning. Technology may encourage self-directed education, democratize learning which produces motivated and engaged students, and assist trainers and teachers in identifying the learning needs of students so as to offer guidance and support.

Nevertheless, technology cannot do it alone. Partnerships between Edtch with high schools, universities, and colleges, governments, and corporations are critical in steering online learning trends.

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