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Staying Focused In Online High School
Congratulations, you’re on the right path to earning an online high school diploma! You’ll quickly start to see the numerous benefits of learning from home, such as self-directed learning, flexibility, and a comfortable environment.
But a few challenges will go hand-in-hand with your newly found freedom. You’ll soon discover that virtual schools can be tough in various ways that a typical class setting, and the number one cause of hindrance and burnout is a distraction. When you’re sitting in a typical classroom, you have a teacher and clear rules and guidelines keeping you on task. When you’re studying from your bedroom or at a coffee shop, you’re basically your own boss—and that’s a good thing. But it’s easier to get distracted and off on productivity-killing tangents, especially with the endless entertainment opportunities of the internet today.
Tips on how to stay focused on Online High School
Block Social Media Strategically
Social media tends to be one of the major distractions these days. With endless articles, status updates, memes, videos, and more, social media converts to hours of unproductive entertainment. There are several smart device applications and browser extensions that will help you limit your social media interaction time. Include social media on your daily schedule as a reward: for instance, after spending an hour on your math homework, you can scroll through your Instagram account for 15 minutes.
Find the Perfect Background Noise
Some people work better with music in the background. Others prefer the hum of a coffee shop, while some want absolute silence while they work. Find your balance of background noise or silence and create the best environment when you sit down at your computer to work. Use headphones—even noise-canceling ones—when needed and set yourself up for success.
Create a Learning Nook
When you learn virtually, there’s no “going” to school. When you set foot on the ground in the morning, you’re already at school. That said, being in your own home environment can be a distraction in itself. You’ll remember you have salsa and chips calling your name in the kitchen, or decide to take a nap on the couch if you’re not focused. To combat this, it is recommended that you set up a consistent place in your room to do your work. Maybe it’s a desk in the corner of your bedroom or dining room. Wherever you decide to do your online school work, consider this place a school-focused environment and don’t let yourself get up until you’ve put in your time.
Use a Timer
There is sufficient research out there suggesting that timed work and taking regular break periods increase productivity. It’s natural for the brain to suffer fatigue after an extended time of application, and that’s when we all subconsciously start searching for distractions. Use your brain’s natural rhythm of productivity to your advantage by setting a timer for an hour and promising yourself to work diligently the entire time.
When the hour is up, even if you’re in the middle of doing something, take a break—maybe for 20 or 30 minutes—again, with a timer set. When break time is over, put away the entertainment or food again and get back to work for another hour.