How Can Students Prepare for The Transition From Elementary School to High School?

It’s a big transition from elementary school to high school. The world changes and you change with it. It can be scary, but if you know what to expect, the process is much easier.

This article will give you the information you need to make this transition as painless as possible for both yourself and your family members who are going through it with you!

How is high school different from elementary school?

The biggest difference between elementary school and high school is just the sheer fact that it’s a bigger world. There are more things to do, more people to meet (both good and bad), and more freedom than you’ve had before. High schools are much larger than most elementary schools (as a rule of thumb, there are at least twice as many students in a high school as there are on a typical elementary campus) and they can be bigger than four football fields put together.

One major change for everyone is the matter of grades. In elementary school, you were probably used to getting As and Bs without much effort. Not so in high school. You’ll have a wider range of classes available to you, and some classes will be much tougher than anything you’ve ever seen before.

A lot of students worry that they won’t ever see their elementary friends again once they graduate from high school. In truth, elementary schools and high schools often work together to ensure that this doesn’t happen. They usually plan events for the students who are graduating from both sides to participate in, and they will frequently try to schedule them at the same time and place so that you can easily visit with old friends.

Also, elementary schools and high schools will usually have open houses at the beginning of each year to help you find your way around the new campus if you’re nervous about moving up to a new school. And don’t forget that most teachers from your old school will be going to your new school with you! They may not teach your classes, but they can still be helpful by giving advice and providing support in any way they can.

It’s also important to realize that just because high school is bigger than elementary doesn’t mean it’s better or worse. Many students go through an adjustment period of trying to make friends and fit in when they first graduate because it changes their social situation so much, which can sometimes feel uncomfortable for anyone.

But high school can be great, too. There are a lot of fun things to do and people to meet in high school that just aren’t available in smaller communities like elementary schools. And the fact that there are so many more students around means it’s much easier to find groups of friends who really fit your interests than it might have been when you were first entering elementary school.

Remember that no matter how big or small the campus is, you’ll never be short on ways to spend your time or make friends. From band and drama club, sports teams and student government, honor societies and academic competitions (there are awards for everything in high school these days) there will almost always be something going on at your new school that you’ll never be far from a group of friends who are doing the same thing.

As long as you’re ready for it, high school can be an exciting time in your life! Just remember to approach it with confidence, and make sure to always keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities so you don’t miss out on anything fun.

The size of my high school is going to change next year–will I have trouble finding my classes?

Yes, the campus will look different when you go back after summer break. But not to worry; everything else will stay the same (including all of the hallways, classrooms and important buildings like the cafeteria). Now that you’ve been through this process once before when moving up to middle school, you should be able to handle it with no trouble.

Don’t worry; this is not uncommon. In fact, most teachers will spend the last few weeks of the semester taking another look at everyone’s grades and making any changes they need to make before final grades are released for each student (you’ll get your report card around that time, too). This means that students who thought they did very well might find themselves bumped down a grade or two–or students who didn’t think they did so well might see their grades rise into the A-range.

If you’re still getting Fs on your tests and assignments, then there’s a good chance that once all of this grading is done your teacher will decide to lower your grade even further. Don’t be too worried about it because it happens to almost everyone–and if they raise your grade instead (or at least give you an A for the class) then you should feel really proud! This means that everything else you’ve been doing in class has been successful enough for them to think very highly of the work you’ve been turning in.

This can be a scary time when teachers are evaluating grades, but it’s also an exciting one because many students have the opportunity to learn something new about themselves while their grades are being decided. Just make sure to take the feedback seriously, and use the rest of your time in that class to make sure you’re on track for success in the next semester.

Will I have a weird schedule now that my school is bigger?

High school curriculum homeschool
You might have already noticed that things are different at a larger high school than an elementary school. There are many more students (and teachers), so classes that once shared space with each other now have their own separate buildings–which means it will be harder to find rooms where your friends are because everything’s separated by floors or even whole buildings.

And when you look at the big picture, there’s also fewer courses available compared to elementary schools. While some of these classes may be packed into one giant room during this first semester (or they may never be taught at all), most of your classes will stay where you first met them… only now you’ll have to find a different time to go there.

What kind of work is expected for each class?

Most teachers have already laid out the expectations for their classes on their syllabus and through classroom discussions, so look back at both before worrying about what’s going to happen next semester. You’ll also get another chance to see these expectations written out when you get your report card in January, or even sooner if you’ve signed up for e-mail updates from your school. Most schools offer this option as a way for parents and students (and sometimes teachers) to keep track of what’s going on in every class, and the grade that’s earned in each one.

All of this work may seem a little overwhelming now, but don’t let it stop you from figuring out what to do next. There are many study systems available on the web (look for these keywords: “study tips” or “how to succeed in school“), and many teachers who will be more than willing to help you with any questions you have about their class–so make sure to ask if anything feels unclear.

Remember that everyone goes through this process when they move up into high school, so it’s only natural that you’ll feel confused at first while trying to learn about new classes and meet new people. Just take your time getting adjusted, and remember: there’s no rush!

The first semester of high school can be a time where you feel very lost or confused at first–but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Take the time to learn about your new classes, meet interesting people, and find out what life’s like for older students. The more you put into this semester now, the better things will be later on!

How do I choose which extracurricular activities are right for me? And how much homework is expected for each class?

Because high schools are so different from one another (even though they may share the same name), it’s important to learn more about each one you’re considering before making a final decision. These days, most schools have websites that offer information about their campus clubs and sports teams–so take some time to look these over as part of your homework research. Because many extracurricular activities are self-funded (i.e. not sponsored by the school itself) students are often expected to pay membership fees in order to participate in them–and finding out how much these can cost is an important consideration for anyone trying to balance both schoolwork and leisure time activities throughout the week.

If you still think you want to join a club or sports team after going through this process, then there’s one more thing to take into account: how much time is needed for each activity? Some clubs meet once a week, while others meet every day before school or during lunch. And some teams practice after school every day for hours at a time, while others only have games twice a week and practice maybe once a week.

Because extracurricular activities can be such an important part of high school life (and because they’re also good ways to get involved in your community), it’s important to spend some time thinking about which ones are right for you based on both the amount of work required and your personal interests–so don’t just rush through this process without giving yourself enough time to really think things over!

What kinds of classes does new freshman take?

Many high schools require students to take a variety of courses during their freshman year. In 9th grade, students often take English and Math classes as well as classes in other subjects like history, science or economics–while 10th grade is also a time when students learn about public speaking through drama and/or debate class.

There are also sometimes “elective” (non-core class) options for freshmen that might include photography, graphic design or sewing classes–and these provide another chance to explore different interests and try new things before deciding what you want to major in later on. Whatever happens during your first semester in high school, it’s an exciting time where you’ll start figuring out the kind of person you want to be!

So you just got to your new high school and have no idea what it’s all about? As a freshman, you’ll be spending this year getting used to life at a new school, meeting new people and making friends–all while trying to figure out what classes are best for you. With so much going on through the end of this semester, how do you make sure that nothing falls through the cracks? Well…


From figuring out which clubs or sports teams are right for you to writing up your class schedules and signing up for lunches, there are lots of little details that can get lost in the shuffle during such an exciting time!

And as confusing as your first semester in high school can be, you don’t want to miss out on the fun because you didn’t have time for something important–so how can you make sure that doesn’t happen?


The best way to deal with this problem is by getting organized. At home, it’s a good idea to keep two different calendars (one for school and one for other activities) where you list all of the dates and times at which you need to do certain things. At school, teachers will post their weekly schedules so that students know what days they’re responsible for each class; either write down notes about these in your calendar or keep an extra copy from when orientation started.

And on the first day of school, be sure to take a look at your homeroom schedule (posted outside every classroom) so that you know when classes start/end, tests are scheduled and which friends have class with you. Be sure to keep this schedule updated as each semester goes along–and if your teachers ever post any extra handouts in addition to their online syllabi (i.e. reading lists or worksheets for homework), make sure you get these and remember them too!

If you’re worried about missing anything during the hectic first couple weeks of school, it’s perfectly fine to ask a friend or teacher if there’s anything else important that needs to go on your calendar–after all, they’ll be able to help you out much more than your freshman-self can!

With so many different clubs and activities to choose from, it’s easy to get excited about joining one–but even though you’re eager to make new friends, don’t rush into things blindly just because a club sounds good on paper. By taking some time to think about why each club is appealing and how much work you’re willing to put in, it’ll be easier for you to figure out which ones are right for you. So the next time someone asks if you want to join their afterschool activity…


To start with, it’s important that you like the people in the group first of all–if not then it’ll be hard to make friends and have a good time. Also keep in mind the kind of activities involved, and how often you’ll need to go (will the meetings take up too much of your free time?). And don’t forget that making friends is an important part of joining any club–so if there aren’t other people who share your interests in it, or if you can’t talk about what’s going on at them as easily as with your other friends, then this might not be for you.


In short, before making a decision on whether or not to join a group, consider these three questions:

You just met someone new who wants to be friends–but what should you ask them about first? Well…


There are two things that can help you get to know a new friend quickly while also letting you know more about what kinds of things they’re interested in, which is important for forming a lasting friendship. And one way to do this is by asking what kind of music or TV shows they like the most–but not just because these things may be interesting to talk about themselves (they usually are!).

Instead, when you’ve been friends with someone for a while and need something else to discuss, remembering their favorite artist/author/movie will give you common ground on which to start talking. Another thing that’s good to bring up early on is whether they have any brothers or sisters, and if you ask about them then you can talk about your siblings too (or share funny stories), which helps to make the conversation more personal. Although it’s important not to get carried away with asking new friends about their hobbies–after all, there are plenty of other things for you to find out together over time!

Asking your new friend where they’re from or what class they have next isn’t just interesting small-talk…

In addition to getting a chance to relax and breathe after a busy day of school, it’s also fun to spend part of your free night out with friends doing something active or playing games. And since both walking around downtown and going bowling offer different advantages depending on what you’re looking for, it’s important to consider which one will be more enjoyable. For example, if you want to just hang out and talk to your friends without having to think about the game, bowling is probably better suited than walking around downtown–but on the other hand, there won’t be any distractions when all you have to do is focus on each other (not counting your scores!).


In short, before deciding between these two options, take a second or two to ask yourself why you’d like to pick one over the other…

Both of these tips are intended for students who were placed in traditional public schools as part of their school assignment for freshman year–but students who were placed in virtual high schools through the drawing for their school assignment for freshman year should be able to follow along with them as well. Now that you know about the differences between these two different kinds of schools, it’s important that you find a placement test center and register for your placement test if you haven’t already–after all, those classes you get placed into will determine what subjects are offered at your back-up school, and this could impact where you can go to high school later on!


In short, even though you don’t have to take the placement test until the third week of your freshman year (on a day just like today!), it’s important that you register for it right away–so make sure you do!

How To Help Your Child Deal with School Stress (10 Tips)
High school curriculum guide
School can be tough on kids, especially if they’re not feeling comfortable in their classes. Here are a few simple ways you can help your child deal with school stress.

1.Make sure your child is getting enough sleep at home.
A lack of sleep makes it very difficult to cope with the demands of school. If your child isn’t sleeping well, consider helping them to make a plan for how they will get more rest; like going to bed earlier or setting up quiet times during the day when they won’t have any electronics around so that they have time to relax and recharge. You may want to also speak with their teacher about why they are feeling so stressed out during school. You may be able to find some solutions there, and if the teacher feels like your child isn’t sleeping, they will take that into account when assigning homework or giving other tasks.

2.Don’t compare your kids to others in their class who seem to be doing better than them
This can put a lot of unnecessary stress on them, because while you want your child to do well at school, it’s also important for them not to get too focused on the grades they’re getting. Talk with them about why they should just focus on learning and having fun at school instead of trying to compete with each other for grades or knowing who is best in classes. All of this might affect how much fun they’re having at school, and it might be one of the reasons why they seem to be stressed out.

3.Encourage your child to take part in their favorite activities after school ends until dinner time
As mentioned before, sleep is very important for relieving stress, but so is being active. If your child doesn’t have any plans after school other than returning home and sitting on the couch watching television or playing video games, they will most likely feel even more stressed when they try to go back into class in the morning. Try helping your kids to make some plans with friends each day as soon as school ends to keep them entertained all afternoon; that way they won’t dread going back outside and finding something fun to do later.

4.Take your kids to the doctor for any physical health problems that they may have
This could include headaches, stomach aches, muscle cramps or anything else that could be making them feel uncomfortable at school. While you don’t want to make visits to the doctor a frequent thing, if your child is having issues physically when they return home from school, it’s important that you find out what’s causing them and try to fix it; not only so that they can get back into their classes with ease after recess each day, but also because being in such pain all of the time might stress them out even more than their classes do!

5.If there are other reasons why your child isn’t feeling well emotionally, speak with your doctor or a therapist about what can be done to help them.
This could include grief counseling for your child if they’re having trouble dealing with the loss of someone close, or it might also be as simple as helping them to see a counselor at school who is trained in working with kids’ emotional well-being .

6.Make sure you keep up open communication between yourself and your children throughout their day at school
Don’t just focus on making sure that they are completing all of their work; try to check in on how their classes are going, whether they’re enjoying it or not. If you sense that there’s something wrong, don’t wait until bedtime to talk about it; try reaching out and figuring out ways that you can help your child to feel better about whatever situation they are in.

7.Speak with the school counselor at least once a month for an update on how your children are doing emotionally.
This is especially important if you sense that something might be wrong and you’re not sure what it is. The school counselor can help you to learn about how everything is going at school, whether or not there have been any struggles recently, and will make suggestions as to what could be done in order to improve things; like a change of classes, extra time alone during lunch, or anything else that they think would be helpful.

8.Talk with your kids’ teachers regularly about their emotional well-being as well
While they may not know exactly what going on with your child at home, they can tell you whether or not there’s a behavioral problem going on in class, whether or not your child is behaving well with their peers or the teachers, if any of them seem distant from everyone else. The more information you have about how things are going at school, the better prepared you’ll be to solve problems that might be causing stress for your children; and you’ll also know when something needs to be changed so that it doesn’t become an issue.

9.If possible, invite extended family into your homes after school ends to visit with each other
Seeing their grandparents every now and again will help to improve your kids’ moods even when they’re stressed out because of their classes; plus it’ll help them to get along better with their relatives whom they rarely see.

10.If your child is starting to fall behind in school, try switching out the teachers if things aren’t getting any better for him or her
While this doesn’t always solve issues that your kids may be having at school, it’s a great way to ensure that you’re getting the best possible person working with your children on an emotional level; not only will they have more time alone with each teacher, but they’ll also have a different perspective about lots of things, which could make a difference in how they see life at home and at school.

Online Schooling: The New High School Normal

One of the biggest changes in modern schooling is the introduction and growth of online education. As more and more schools find ways to incorporate this new technology into their lessons, students are finding it easier than ever before to do all of their schoolwork from home without having to drive themselves anywhere.

But with so many different resources at students’ fingertips now, it’s much harder for parents to figure out whether or not they should be encouraging their children to continue doing things the traditional way, or if they should let them try out online classes instead.

Here are some tips that parents might find useful when deciding just how involved they want to be in making sure that their kids understand exactly what’s going on with online learning ; and how best to make use of it so that they can all learn together.

If you’re struggling with how to make sure that your children’s online education goes smoothly, there’s no need for you to stress out over the fact that you don’t know how to help them anymore. Instead of feeling frustrated and helpless about what to do next, try learning as much as possible about online classes in general before really diving into things; from there you’ll be able to pick up on the strengths and weaknesses of different strategies when it comes time for you to look at what kinds of lessons are available for your family. With this in mind, here are some tips that parents might find useful if they’ve decided that an online education is right for their kids:

  1. Talk with your kids about the kinds of things they like to learn about, and try to encourage them in those areas. This doesn’t mean that you should force them into taking courses on subjects that they don’t enjoy, but it is a great way for you to help your kids figure out if online schooling really is right for them.
  2. If possible, consider talking with other parents who have opted their children into online classes; while there’s no guarantee that what works for one family will work for yours as well, learning from others can help give you tips and ideas about how best to make sure that everything goes smoothly.
  3. Be honest with yourself about whether or not you’d actually be willing to put in a lot of extra time making sure that your kids understand everything that goes on in their classes. If the idea of helping them with each step proves too stressful for you, then online schooling probably isn’t right for you.
  4. Keep an eye out on your children’s psychosocial development during this time so that you’ll be able to spot any concerns early on; if they’re not getting along with everyone else as well as they used to now that they have more free time than ever before, or if there are other issues cropping up, take steps to help fix these problems before they become too serious.
  5. Pay attention to what kind of equipment your kids like best; while laptops are usually the best choice when it comes time for students to do their schoolwork, some kids might like using a tablet instead .

The Do’s And Don’ts of Choosing Online High School Classes

High school curriculum examples
If you’ve chosen to allow your child to take online classes in lieu of regular ones, then it’s probably a good idea for you to learn as much as possible about what can make or break an online learning experience. With this in mind, here are some tips that parents might find useful when working with their kids on the subject:

  1. Talk with your children about their hopes and fears surrounding taking their schoolwork online, so that they’re aware of any concerns up front rather than having to deal with them after things have already gotten started. This way they’ll know what kind of issues to look out for, and hopefully learn how best to handle them if they do pop up.
  2. Look for signs of your children’s commitment to their studies; if they’re all about making sure that they put everything they’ve got into each and every lesson, then there’s a good chance that online schooling really is right for them.
  3. These days, kids have to be on top of their games when it comes to cyber safety. If you notice anything at all that makes you uncomfortable about your child’s use of the internet, talk with him or her as soon as possible so that you can figure out how best to manage these concerns.
  4. By the same token, make sure that your children know exactly what kinds of things are off limits when it comes time for them to be doing schoolwork online. This way they’ll be able to steer clear of any potential problems and stay focused on what’s important.

Don’t be afraid to ask about the kinds of students that the organization you’re dealing with takes in; while it might not be a huge deal for most people, some schools won’t allow kids who have learning disabilities or other types of special needs.

Do the Things That You Need To Do

If you’re still feeling as though online schooling isn’t right for your child, then do everything in your power to find another solution before finally deciding that this is simply the best route for him or her. With this in mind, here are some more tips and tricks you can try out:

  1. Take stock of all of the different things that your child has going on in his or her life at the moment; if there are any things that you can cut back on, do so immediately. If he or she is struggling to keep up with all of their responsibilities, taking online classes isn’t likely to help them get ahead.
  2. Look into whether or not your child qualifies for special learning accommodations, and whether or not these would be better received from a school district than an online service. Talk with your kids about this as well, so that they know what’s available and how best to take advantage of it if need be.
  3. Remember that the internet never closes; talk with your kids about how they’re planning to schedule their time once they start working, and see if they can come up with a schedule that works for them.
  4. Try to keep communication lines open between the two of you, so that your child doesn’t feel as though he or she has no one to talk to when things get tough. If there are any questions, stress, or other concerns, try your best not to make your child feel like it’s his or her fault.

Doing Your Part (And Then Some)

If you’re still feeling unsure about whether this is the right plan for your children, do everything in your power to think of as many different ideas and solutions as possible before finally moving on. With this in mind, here are some more tips and tricks you might want to try out:

  1. If you’ve been homeschooling your child, make sure to check out the requirements for your state before making any decisions about online schooling. Your kids might be all set to go on their own as far as the law is concerned, but that doesn’t mean that they’re going to be suited for the new service.
  2. Remember that these days most students are working on a computer of some sort every day; if your kids have never used one before and will need help getting started, try not to push them into things right away. Make sure that they have what they need in terms of equipment and software, then see how they feel after a few weeks or so. This way if there’s anything at all that they’re not completely comfortable with, you can figure out what the best way to proceed is.
  3. While it might seem like an easy fix at first, getting a faster computer or a better internet connection probably isn’t going to make your child’s online schooling any easier. In fact, if anything, this could just end up making things even more frustrating for him or her. Give them some time to get used to their current setup before you decide that it needs updating.

Do Some More Research Before You Commit

If your child already has a disability and you’re wondering whether he or she will be able to handle the demands of an online school program, do everything in your power to find as much information about this as possible before finally making your decision. With this in mind, here are some more tips and tricks you might want to try out:

If at all possible, talk with a representative from the school district or service you’re considering about what they offer for kids dealing with special needs. Some schools have better programs than others, and if yours is lacking, there might be no point in continuing further; on the other hand, if it turns out that everything you need is available – then go ahead!

Remember that whatever else happens, your child still has you around to help him or her; don’t think of yourself as “giving up” on something by moving forward with an online learning program. Instead look at this as a new opportunity to try something new with your child.

And lastly, if you’re still not sure about the best way to proceed with online schooling or you just want to make sure that everything is set in stone before moving forward, don’t be afraid to get advice from others who have been where you are now. With this in mind, here are some more tips and tricks you might want to try out:

  1. Try to make use of the resources available for families dealing with disabilities; many schools and districts offer workshops and parent-teacher conferences on how best to approach things like learning disabilities. Be sure to take advantage of these opportunities whenever possible.
  2. If all else fails and nothing seems clear, discuss the situation with your child’s doctor. He or she will probably be able to give you some advice on whether online schooling is a good option for your family and, if so, how you can go about making it work.

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Are you concerned about your child’s ability to handle an online education? Have you already made a decision about homeschooling or online schooling? Make sure to tell us all about it in the comments section below – we’d love to hear from you! _________________________

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