Workforce Boards
Accredited WIOA ALIGNED Career-Based Education
High School of America offers an accredited high school diploma concurrently with an entry-level workforce certificate. The program prepares students to enter the workplace or matriculate into training programs where they acquire additional credentials. Students complete industry-specific coursework while also learning life skills in areas such as financial literary, consumer math, conflict resolution, and professionalism.
Built for WIOA Compliance: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was created to better address the employment and skills needs of employees, jobseekers, and employers. WIOA stresses the importance of education, training, credentials, and skills; helping people with barriers to employment; meeting the needs of employers; and increasing the success and economic self-sufficiency of workers.
Benefits and Highlights
High School of America employs an innovative curriculum aligned to the Common Core Standards, the convenience of an anytime-anywhere online learning platform, and interactive content that engages adult learners and helps them achieve their educational goals.
AdvancED/SACS/CASI Accredited:
Regional accreditation not only ensures superior quality, but also means that graduates are eligible for federal student aid programs, should they decide to further their education.
- Skills-Based, Career-Focused Curriculum: Builds the skills that students will need to succeed in further vocational training.
- Flexible, Online Access: With 24/7 availability of online courses.
- Better Outcomes than the GED: The curriculum is based on a master proficiency training model with better results than the GED.
- Transfer Credits: Students can transfer in all previously earned courses in order to maximize their time and workforce board resources.