Welcome to High School of America, Pennsylvania’s premier Homeschooling Online High School!

We are dedicated to providing an exceptional homeschooling experience tailored to the unique needs of students in the Keystone State.

High School of America offers a comprehensive curriculum aligned with Pennsylvania’s state education standards, equipping students with the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century.

Our interactive and user-friendly online learning platform allows students to access their education anytime, anywhere, fostering engagement and interactivity.

With a wide array of courses, students can explore new subjects, tackle advanced classes, and earn a recognized high school diploma accepted by prestigious colleges, universities, and employers nationwide. We believe homeschooling should be accessible and affordable, and our program delivers exceptional value to Pennsylvania families.

Join us today and unlock the endless possibilities of online homeschooling with High School of America!

Homeschooling Laws in Pennsylvania

Homeschooling is legal in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is among the few states that provide homeschooling families free access to teaching materials, a path to a state-recognized diploma, and the ability to participate in extracurricular activities.

There are four legal options under which you can decide to run your homeschool program in Pennsylvania. They include:

  1. a) Homeschooling under the homeschool statute.
  2. b) Homeschooling with a private tutor.
  3. c) Enrolling your child in a satellite of a religious day school.
  4. d) Enrolling your child in a satellite of an accredited day or boarding school.

Option 1: Homeschooling Under the Homeschool Statute.

  1. Teacher qualifications

The homeschool statute mandates that you have a minimum of a high school diploma or its equivalent (the GED) to educate your homeschooling children.

  1. Unsworn declaration or notarized affidavit

You’re required to file an unsworn declaration or a notarized affidavit with the local superintendent prior to starting your homeschooling for the first time. You are also required to do so by August 1 for the preceding years. The unsworn declaration/affidavit should include the following information:

  • The supervisor or parent’s name, telephone number, and address
  • The homeschooling child’s name and age
  • Confirmation that subjects will be taught in English
  • Outline of educational objectives for each subject area
  • Proof of immunization
  • Documentation of necessary health and medical services as required by law
  • Certification that the home education program will adhere to the regulations stated in 24 P.S. § 13-1327.1
  • Certification confirming that the supervisor, all adults residing in the home, and any individuals with legal custody of the children have not been convicted of specific criminal offenses within the past five years.
  1. Instruction for The Required Hours/Days and Subjects

You are required to teach 990 hours or 180 days at high school level. You must teach the following subjects in high school:

  • Social studies (must include world history, civics, and Pennsylvania and U.S. history)
  • English (must include composition, speech, literature, and language)
  • Mathematics (must include geometry, algebra, and general mathematics)
  • Art
  • Geography
  • Health
  • Music
  • Physical education
  • Science
  • Safety education (must include regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires

High School Graduation Requirements

  • 2 years of art and humanities
  • 3 years of science
  • 3 years of social studies
  • 3 years of math
  • 4 years of English
  1. Maintain a portfolio, including required testing. 

Include the following documentation in your portfolio:

  • Log: Keep a record of the instruction given to the student, noting the date it was given and indicating the specific reading materials used.
  • Student work samples: Gather examples of the student’s written work, worksheets, workbooks, or any other creative materials they have used or created as part of their learning.
  • Standardized testing: Students in grades 3, 5, and 8 must take a nationally approved standardized test in math and reading/language arts. The student’s annual portfolio must include the test results or results from statewide tests taken by public school students. It’s important to note that the test must be administered by someone other than the student’s parent or guardian.

Approved tests:

  • Woodcock-Johnson Revised Tests of Achievement III
  • Woodcock-Johnson IV
  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test III (WIAT-III)
  • Terra Nova
  • Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
  • Iowa Test of Basic Skills
  • Comprehensive Testing Program (CTPIV)
  • California Achievement Test
  • Stanford Achievement Test
  • Peabody Achievement Individual Test—Revised Version
  • Metropolitan Achievement Test
  1. Evaluation of Homeschooled Children

In order to comply with homeschooling regulations in Pennsylvania, it is necessary to have your child evaluated by a qualified evaluator. The evaluator’s certification should be submitted to the superintendent no later than June 30th. The evaluation can be conducted by one of the following individuals:

  • Licensed Psychologist: A certified psychologist can perform the evaluation.
  • State-Certified Teacher: A teacher certified by the state, with at least two years of teaching experience, is eligible to conduct the evaluation.
  • Nonpublic School Teacher/Administrator: An evaluator who has taught for at least two years in public or nonpublic schools within the last decade can perform the evaluation.
  • Alternative Qualifications: Upon request and with the superintendent’s consent, an evaluator with different qualifications may be considered. However, the homeschooling parent/supervisor or spouse cannot act as an evaluator.

The evaluation process involves interviewing your child and reviewing their homeschooling portfolio. As defined by state law, the evaluator must certify whether an appropriate education is being provided. An appropriate education includes instruction in the required subjects for the mandated duration and should demonstrate sustained progress in the program.

Potential evaluators can be found on the Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania (CHAP) website. Once the evaluation is complete, you must submit a copy of the evaluator’s certification to the local superintendent by June 30th each year.

In addition to the annual evaluation, if the superintendent has reasonable grounds to believe that an appropriate education may not occur at any time during the school year, they may send a letter requesting an evaluation. Within 30 days of receiving this letter, you must arrange for an assessment to be conducted by a qualified evaluator, and their certification must be submitted to the superintendent.

  1. Moving to a Different School District

If you plan to relocate to a new school district within Pennsylvania, you must follow the following procedure:

  • Contact the superintendent of your current district of residence via registered mail at least 30 days before your intended relocation.
  • Request a letter of transfer from your current superintendent.
  • The current superintendent must issue the letter of transfer within thirty days of receiving your request.
  • Once you receive the transfer letter, submit it to the superintendent of your new district of residence.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure compliance with homeschooling requirements and procedures in Pennsylvania.

Option 2: Homeschooling with a private tutor.

  1. Qualifications of the Private Tutor

In order to homeschool your children in Pennsylvania, it is necessary to engage a private tutor with the appropriate qualifications. The tutor must hold a certification issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which permits them to teach in public schools within the state.

In addition, the tutor should provide instruction to one or more children from the same family and be the primary source of their educational guidance. Moreover, the tutor must receive compensation or other consideration for their teaching services.

  1. Documentation and Reporting Obligations

The tutor is required to fulfill specific documentation and reporting obligations to comply with Pennsylvania’s homeschooling regulations.

Firstly, the tutor must submit a copy of their Pennsylvania teaching certification and the necessary criminal history record to the school district’s superintendent where the students reside. This submission should include the names and addresses of the children under their tutelage.

Furthermore, if the tutor starts teaching any additional children in the future, they must promptly notify the superintendent about these new students.

In addition, it is the tutor’s responsibility to inform the superintendent if a student is absent without a lawful excuse for more than three days during the school year or if a student withdraws from the tutoring program before age 18.

Option 3: Enrolling your student in a satellite of a religious day school.

You can educate your students at home if your home is a satellite or an extension of a religious day school. The following are the requirements of this option:

  1. Mandatory Subjects, Days, and Hours

See “Option 1: Homeschooling under the homeschool statute,” item #3, above.

  1. Filing an Affidavit of Compliance

The principal of the homeschooling institution is required to complete and submit a notarized affidavit to the Department of Education. This affidavit should confirm that the school offers the required subjects in English, complies with the relevant laws, and specify whether the school is a nonprofit organization.

  1. Reporting Enrolled Children

The homeschooling institution must provide the local district with a list of enrolled children’s names and residences. This information should be submitted when the children are admitted to the school. Day schools must also report the name and date of withdrawal of any student who is still of compulsory attendance age.

Furthermore, day schools are expected to report any child absent for three consecutive days without a valid excuse.

Option 4: Sign up your teenager in a satellite of an accredited boarding or day school.

You have the option to educate your children at home if they are enrolled in a separate location or branch of a day or boarding school. This school must be accredited by an accrediting association approved by the State Board of Education.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pennsylvania Homeschooling Online

What is the minimum age for starting homeschooling in Pennsylvania?

Children who will be six years old on or before September 1 are required to begin a home education program or explore alternative options for education during that school year. Children who turn six after September 1 must start a home education program or alternative no later than the start of the following school year.

How does homeschooling function in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, you can homeschool your child in two ways: (1) by having a “properly qualified private tutor” teach the child or (2) by conducting a “home education program” as a parent or guardian. Both options have specific requirements that need to be met.

What is the process for obtaining a diploma for homeschooling in Pennsylvania?

If homeschooled students in Pennsylvania do not have a diploma from any other recognized source, they can obtain a Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma. This can be achieved by either passing a high school equivalency test or completing 30 college-level credits from a postsecondary institution accredited in the United States.

Online Homeschooling Statistics in Pennsylvania

Online homeschooling has been gaining popularity across the United States, including Pennsylvania. The convenience, flexibility, and accessibility of online education options have attracted many families to choose this form of homeschooling.

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, there were 34,528 homeschooled students in Pennsylvania during the 2019-2020 academic year. This number has continued to increase over the years with advancements in technology.

How to Do it: Online Homeschooling in Pennsylvania

To homeschool online in Pennsylvania, you need to fulfill certain requirements.

First, ensure you have a high school diploma or equivalent and have had no significant criminal offenses in the past five years.

Then, complete and submit a notarized affidavit containing the necessary details to your local school superintendent.

Next, select a suitable online homeschooling program that suits your family’s needs.

Finally, embark on an enjoyable learning journey together with your children.

Remember to follow the guidelines provided by the Pennsylvania homeschooling regulations to ensure a successful online homeschooling experience.

Advantages of Homeschooling Online in Pennsylvania

There are several advantages of homeschooling online in Pennsylvania. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Personalized Learning: Online homeschooling allows for personalized instruction tailored to the individual needs and learning styles of students. With online curricula, parents can customize lesson plans and teaching approaches to suit their child’s strengths and weaknesses. This individualized attention can lead to more effective learning outcomes.
  2. Enhanced Self-Directed Learning Skills: Homeschooling online encourages students to take ownership of their education and develop self-directed learning skills. They learn how to manage their time, set goals, and take responsibility for their academic progress. These skills are valuable for lifelong learning and future academic pursuits.
  3. Safe and Supportive Learning Environment: Homeschooling online provides a safe and supportive learning environment, free from distractions and potentially negative influences that students may encounter in traditional school settings. Students can focus on their studies without worrying about issues like bullying or peer pressure, fostering a positive learning experience.
  4. Flexibility: Online homeschooling provides flexibility in terms of scheduling and pace of learning. Families can customize their daily and weekly routines to fit their unique needs and preferences. Students can learn at their own pace, spending more time on challenging subjects or moving ahead quickly in areas where they excel.
  5. Opportunities for Collaboration and Interaction: Despite being home-based, online homeschooling offers opportunities for collaboration and interaction with peers. Virtual learning communities, online forums, and social media groups provide avenues for students to connect with others who share similar educational interests and engage in discussions or collaborative projects.
  6. Adaptability to Special Needs: Online homeschooling can be particularly beneficial for students with special needs or learning differences. It allows parents to customize the curriculum and instructional methods to accommodate their child’s unique requirements. Online resources and specialized programs designed for students with special needs can further support their learning journey.


In conclusion, the homeschooling law in Pennsylvania is flexible and allows parents to customize their children’s education. The advantages of homeschooling online are numerous, from providing a one-on-one learning experience to helping your child find their unique interests and paths; definitely worth considering for anyone who wants to choose homeschooling as an educational path.

High School of America makes it easier to transition into this method with its unlimited access plan, which features personal support from accredited teachers and college admissions counselors.

To take advantage of all these benefits, contact High School of America today!