Major Challenges Facing Public Schools

For starters, public schools are not tailored to each individual student’s needs. Not only does this make it impossible for students to learn at their own pace, but it also means that many students are left behind in class because they do not understand the material being taught.

In addition, there is a lack of teacher-student communication due to large class sizes and an ineffective teaching system that leaves teachers struggling just to get by.

Finally, these schools have been criticized for spending too much time on standardized testing rather than providing students with more hands-on learning opportunities where they can actually apply what they’ve learned so far. This leads us back into the cycle of one size doesn’t fit all – which is exactly what’s wrong with the current public school system.

7 Issues with Current Public Schooling

  1. Public schools rarely meet the Needs of Students with Different Learning Styles

The current approach of our public education system has been criticized for its lack of individualization. Learners are not being taught to their fullest capability because they’re learning at the same time, in the same class with the exact same material. This is great for some students, but not all.

When children are taught at their own pace, there’s no denying that their education is tailored to them. They are not being taught at the same time, in the same class with the exact same material, which means they are able to learn at the speed they need in order to take in all of what’s being taught.

Children who struggle with certain subjects simply take more time completing assignments – and this is exactly what they need. Unfortunately, public schools just don’t have the time nor the resources to do this for every student.

  1. Public Schools Spend Time on Standardized Testing Instead of Hands-On Learning Opportunities

Although standardized testing is used to measure students’ progress in school and how well they are learning new material, there’s no denying that it is time-consuming and that it takes the fun out of learning.

For one, students in public schools are required to take at least three major standardized tests per year – amounting to hours upon hours spent testing instead of having fun in the classroom (take the PSSAs for example). Standardized testing teaches kids how to take a test, but not how to apply what they’ve learned in a real-world setting.

In fact, the tests themselves are not even used to determine students’ promotion from one level of schooling to another – meaning that all this testing at the end of every year is pretty much for nothing.

  1. Schools Not Teaching Critical Thinking Skills

Most schools don’t teach critical thinking. Instead, they use a one-size-fits-all approach to education that simply isn’t effective – and these schools just aren’t preparing students for the future. In fact, it’s been said that the public school system is like an outdated factory where learners are put through the same paces year over year. These are the criticisms of our school system that need to be addressed – and fast.  Because if they’re not, it’s only a matter of time before other nations overtake us in the educational system.

  1. Students are Being Taught to Memorize Information rather Than Understand It

It’s important that students have the ability to retain their learning. Memorization is a key part of education, but today’s schools seem to be leaning more on it than understanding concepts and ideas. Students are being rewarded for knowing data rather than understanding what it means; memorizing information hasn’t been beneficial for years now, especially with resources like Wikipedia available.

  1. School systems losing their Focus on Teaching Social Skills, Such as Empathy and Collaboration

Although many kids are taught to collaborate in class, the sad truth is that it’s not actually happening. Instead of learning how to work together, students are being trained on how to outshine one another – showing off their individual skills rather than working as a team.

It’s all about who gets the solo or performs better individually, which isn’t exactly working out so well in real life. Students who are not taught to work together will have a very hard time collaborating with others when they enter the workforce, which means it’s absolutely essential that this education change starts at school.

  1. Lack of Diversity in Public School Curriculums

White, middle-class perspectives dominate the curriculum, while other voices remain marginalized or unheard altogether. This is not only an injustice to students, but it’s also unfair to teachers. The more diverse the teaching staff can be, the more open they are able to get across different perspectives and the less likely these kids will enter school with stereotypes or racist ideas (who knows how many people could have learned differently if someone like Martin Luther King had his own kids in school).

  1. Lack of Adequate Support for Children Who Need Assistance with Disabilities

Children with disabilities often struggle to receive the help they need. They are left behind in special education departments that are unable to provide adequate assistance for them, while their peers learn without them. It’s more than unfair – it’s downright cruel. We should be teaching children who have different learning styles or require additional assistance how to work through these issues, not forcing them to fall behind and give up.

Coping With the Current Public Schooling Issues

Here’s the Deal: The education system needs a huge makeover in order to keep up with the times and meet the needs of today’s students. Public schools must revamp their curriculums, change their teaching styles and focus on collaboration rather than individual success – but who will be able to help them do this?

You guessed it: homeschooling. Homeschooling is one of the best ways to ensure your child’s education will be customized to their learning style, and they’ll have a chance to develop social skills before entering the real world. It doesn’t stop there – kids who are homeschooled also have a better chance of entering college, and they’ll have a huge advantage over students who went to a brick-and-mortar school.

Homeschooling is Empowering

Private schools online registration


If you can homeschool your child, why not? It’s an amazing opportunity for both the parent and the student – kids have a chance to work at their own pace without being held back by time, they have the freedom to explore interests they never would have had the chance to in school, and they get to learn with an adult who cares about them.

It’s especially important for kids who are considered ‘gifted’ or advanced learners – it can be challenging for them to find a teacher who knows how to teach at their level, and schools often simply push them ahead when they aren’t ready. They can get into college easier (and perform better!) because of the work they put in at home.

3 Simple Steps to Get Started Homeschooling Your Kids in 5 Minutes

The hardest part about homeschooling is getting started; it’s not exactly like sending your kids off to their classroom every morning. Homeschooling is a lifestyle that takes time and dedication, but once you get into the swing of things, it’ll be smooth sailing (almost like rolling out of bed).

Here’s how to make it happen:

Step 1: Learn About Homeschooling Requirements in Your State

First things first: you need to find out what your state requires of homeschooling parents. Every state is different, and some require more from you than others.

For example, Alabama does not require any notification if you’re going to be homeschooling for less than 180 days a year – but New York wants full disclosure on what you plan on teaching your child, how you plan on teaching them and they won’t allow homeschooling until your child is 7 years old.

When you decide to homeschool your kid, make sure you understand what the requirements are in your state before you start signing up for classes or curriculums. It’s important to document everything so that if someone were to peek in on your schooling, they would see you are doing an adequate job.

Step 2: Find the Right Curriculum for Your Child

Your next step is finding a curriculum that’s right for your child. There are many online resources and curriculums available – just make sure you’re not opting for something that’s extremely expensive or difficult to use.

For example, if your child is extremely advanced and you’re trying to find online homeschooling classes for high schoolers, you might want to look into something like the International Baccalaureate program – for a fee, of course. If your child has learning disabilities or struggles with reading comprehension or writing, consider hiring a tutor for them; it can help out tremendously.

Finally, if you’re looking for something specific like foreign language learning or history curriculum, there are always plenty of programs available through apps and on the internet – just make sure they respond to your child’s needs!

Step 3: How to Pay For Homeschooling Your Kids

The third step is to figure out a way that you’ll be able to afford the things your child needs for homeschooling. In most cases, you can get free online homeschool programs – but they’re not going to provide all of the materials and textbooks your kid will need.

Some families choose to use a budget system from the Dollar Store for their textbooks – while this method might work out in the long run, it’s not an ideal solution.

If possible, enroll your child into a free online homeschooling program that also provides study materials or try to get a part-time or full-time job outside of the home so you can pay for everything your child will need.

Step 4: Homeschooling Curriculum for Under 5s

Finally, you should know that there are many materials available for homeschooling curriculums for under-fives. Please keep in mind that these aren’t full-on ‘classrooms’ – they’re meant to give your young one a head start on their education.

How to Choose the Right Curriculum


For example, you can get free baby language learning programs that will teach your little one all of the basic Spanish / French / English words – just be careful not to go overboard! Children of this age know how to retain information much better than we give them credit for, so don’t overload them with information they cannot handle.

Step 5: Get Ready to Start

The final step is simple enough – you need to get ready to start your homeschooling curriculum. Choose a method for documenting everything your child learns, and make sure you document the learning process itself as well. Some people choose a blog, while others use Facebook or Instagram.

It’s important to remember that you’re doing something good for your child and the future of the United States. Homeschooling is not just about keeping kids out of public schools – it’s also about instilling a love for learning into them and giving them all of the tools they need to excel in life… so don’t be afraid to do what’s best for your child!

Take good care of your little one, and have a lovely day.

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