Online Safety Tips for Parents and Students
Schools across the country are using technology more and more in the classroom to engage students and enhance learning. The use of computers, tablets, and other high-tech devices can expose students to both opportunities and risks on the Internet. Parents and students need to be aware of these risks so they can take appropriate precautions.
Why Is Internet Safety Important?
The internet is an essential tool in today’s society. The vast amount of information available at our fingertips makes learning easier and faster.
However, this easy access also opens up a world of dangers that can threaten children and teenagers:
- Cyber-bullying;
- Cyber-stalking;
- Cyber-exploitation;
- Online predators; and
- Internet addiction.
How Can Parents Help Keep Their Kids Safe Online?
Parents should set up rules for using the Internet. Just as with television, video games, or other forms of media, parents should establish guidelines surrounding the use of the internet at home.
The following are some of the most important safety tips for students and parents.
Encourage Your Children to Talk About their Online Activities with You
As parents, it’s important to remember that many students are not as open with their parents about their online activities. However, there are ways to find out what your children are doing online without prying into every aspect of their online lives.
Parents should talk with children about the types of information they post on social networking sites, chat rooms, and other online communities.
Starting the conversation early and continuing the dialogue as children grow will help them understand what is appropriate to share with others. As a result, they’ll be less likely to post harmful information about themselves or a friend.
Encourage Your Children to Set Limits on Their Online Activities
While kids may be tempted to post a picture of themselves or a friend online or join a social networking site at the click of a button, they should also be encouraged to stop and think about what posting this information could mean.
Parents can help children practice setting limits by asking those questions such as:
- What type of information would you like to post online?
- What about other types of content – what do you think is appropriate and inappropriate?
- How can you protect your privacy by adjusting your settings on these sites?
Encourage Your Children to Talk If They Encounter Problematic or Inappropriate Content While Online
As children’s online activities become more complex, they may encounter individuals who try to take advantage of them. This can include cyberbullying, harassment, or worse.
Some kids may not know what to do when they are faced with these situations. Parents can help children by encouraging them to talk about any concerns they have online, including the following:
- What is happening?
- Is the situation escalating or becoming more serious?
- What can be done to resolve it?
Encourage Your Children to Seek Help If They Encounter a Problematic Situation While Online
When children encounter a problematic situation online, parents should encourage them to seek help. Here are some resources that may be useful:
- If your child is being cyberbullied, tell a teacher or guidance counselor at school.
- Contact the social networking site where the bullying is taking place and report any problems.
- If you have received child pornography from anyone – even if this person is a friend – report it to your local police department.
- If you come across anything online that makes you uncomfortable, tell an adult you trust right away.
Encourage Your Youngster to Exercise Caution When Giving Personal Information to Sites
Many websites require people to enter their date of birth, street address, phone number, and other personal information before they can join. This is because some sites are only available for use by adults.
When young children provide this type of personal information without parental consent, it creates a situation where children may be more vulnerable to cyberbullying, online threats, and other inappropriate content.
Parents should talk to their kids about:
- The age restrictions of different websites and why many sites can only be used by adults.
- Why it’s important not to provide personal information unless they will be supervised while using a site or application – parents can set up privacy settings so children don’t have this information readily available to other users.
Parents should also supervise their children when they are online, including setting up privacy settings so this information isn’t readily available to other users. Parents may also want to talk to children about using different secure passwords for each site. If a child’s password is compromised in one place, the entire account could be at risk.
Although children can benefit from using social networking sites, parents should encourage them to be safe and smart online. Parents should talk to their children about cyberbullying, limits to what kids share with others, where to go for help – and even how to adjust website settings so they aren’t revealing as much information about themselves!
Create a Family Password for the Computer or Mobile Device that Only Parents Can Use
A family password can help children and parents maintain a sense of security while online. It may also be easier to monitor what kids are doing on these devices.
Parents should encourage their children to share this password with them so they know when the device has been used, and by whom. In addition, parents should encourage children not to save the password on the computer or mobile device – that can compromise security.
Keep an Eye on Your Child’s Social Media Accounts – Who They’re Following, What They’re Posting, etc.
Parents should encourage kids to be smart and safe when it comes to social media. Kids should only allow friends or family members they know in real life to follow them, and never add a stranger unless their parents have suggested it.
In addition, parents should talk to their children about what is appropriate for public versus private settings. They can set up privacy controls to limit the audience that can see their information.
If children are using sites or applications that have age restrictions, parents should make sure they are supervised while online. Finally, parents should keep an eye on what their children are doing online – who they are following, what they are posting, etc. They can check up on them by logging into their accounts or using software that can monitor kids’ activity.
Be on the Look for Cyberbullying
Although the Internet offers a wealth of information, it also provides opportunities for cyberbullies to find victims. If your child is being bullied online, talk to them about what’s going on and how to handle it. Cyberbullying can have long-term negative effects on children’s mental health, including depression.
If your child is being cyberbullied, advise them not to retaliate because it could make the situation worse. They should also avoid sharing personal information online and change passwords often. Finally, encourage kids to talk with a parent or someone else they trust about what’s going on – sometimes just saying things aloud can help put things in perspective.
Parents should let their children know which websites and applications are age-appropriate, and encourage them to play it safe when they visit or use these sites. As responsible digital citizens, kids should only add people they know in real life, avoid sharing personal information online unless they will be supervised while using a site, and change passwords often. Parents should also keep an eye on what their kids do online, and talk to them about how to handle cyberbullying when it strikes.
Install Parental Controls on Devices So Younger Children Don’t Have Access to Inappropriate Content or Apps
If children are using tablets or smartphones, parents should make sure they have age-appropriate apps and appropriate privacy settings in place.
Establish rules for what kids can download onto these devices, how much time they’re allowed to spend online, and whom they can communicate with. Parents should also know about the site’s privacy policy before allowing children to be online and avoid sharing personal information.
It’s important for parents to let their younger children know that they can come to them with any problems they encounter while playing games or using apps – cyberbullying, inappropriate content, etc. It’s also a good idea for kids to tell their parents if someone starts communicating inappropriately with them through texts or social media.
Be Aware of Apps That Ask for Personal Information – They Could Be Tracking Your Child’s Location, etc.
It’s also important for parents to know which apps are asking for personal information when they download them onto their child’s device. Some apps ask for unnecessary data that could put kids at risk, while others have been known to track location and online activity to share with third parties. If a child is using a device that belongs to their parents, these apps should be off-limits.
If you’re going on a family trip or outing, it’s important for parents to let children know that they can always reach out if they need help or feel uncomfortable – no matter what the app says.
Parents should teach their kids to avoid sharing personal information over apps, which could put them at risk for cyberbullying or other problems. They should also know about their children’s online activity by keeping tabs on the devices they’re using and talking with kids about what they’re doing.
Install Antivirus Software on all Your Devices to Protect against Malware and Viruses
It’s also important for parents to understand that certain apps collect data that could be used against kids. It’s best not to allow young children to download games on devices they don’t own, and only adults should have access to social media accounts teens are using.
Knowing your child’s online activity is key in protecting them from cyberbullying. It’s also a good idea to keep digital devices in common areas of the house so parents can monitor what their children are doing.
Parents should also take steps to protect themselves online by installing antivirus software on all their devices, managing privacy settings, and knowing who they’re sharing personal information with.