How to Deal with Bullies at School

Bullying is a problem that many students face in school. Bullying has adverse implications on students’ academic performance, making them fail in their high school courses.

It can be hard to know how to deal with bullies, but there are things you can do to stand up for yourself and get help.

In this blog post, we will discuss what bullying is, the different types of bullying, and tips for dealing with bullies at school, specifically for high school students. We will also discuss how online learning can help you from being bullied.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is defined as repeated, unwanted, and aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The bullying behavior is intended to hurt, threaten, or frighten the victim.

Bullying can be physical (e.g., hitting, pushing), verbal (e.g., name-calling, teasing), social (e.g., spreading rumors, excluding someone from a group), or cyber (e.g., sending mean texts or emails, posting hurtful comments online).

What are the Different Types of Bullying in High School?

There are four main types of bullying that take place in high schools: physical, verbal, social, and cyber.

There are four main types of bullying that take place in high school:

Physical bullying

This type of bullying includes any physical contact with the intention to harm. It can involve hitting, kicking, punching, taking someone’s belongings, making lewd gestures, or any other form of violence.

Verbal bullying

Verbal bullying is when the bully uses words to hurt or intimidate the victim. It can include name-calling, teasing, making threats, or saying hurtful things about someone.

Social bullying

Social bullying is when the bully tries to damage someone’s reputation or social status. It can involve spreading rumors, excluding someone from a group, spreading rumors about them, embarrassing them in front of others, or rating them on looks or intelligence in a public way.


Cyberbullying is any type of bullying that takes place online or through technology. It can include sending mean texts or emails, posting hurtful comments online, spreading rumors through social media, or creating fake social media profiles.

What Are the Negative Effects of Bullying in High School?

How to Deal with Bullying at School as A Student


There are many adverse effects of bullying. Some of the top 10 effects of bullying in high school are:

  1. Low self-esteem: Victims of bullying often have low self-esteem and feel bad about themselves.
  2. Isolation and loneliness: Bullying can make victims feel isolated and alone. They may be afraid to go to school or participate in activities because they don’t want to be around their bullies.
  3. Poor academic performance: Bullying can lead to poor grades and missed days of school. Victims may not want to go to school or maybe too distracted by the bullying to focus on their studies.
  4. Anxiety and depression: Victims of bullying may experience anxiety, depression, or other mental health problems.
  5. Suicidal thoughts: Unfortunately, bullying can also lead to suicide, as victims may feel like they have no way out or that things will never get better.
  6. Health problems: Bullying can cause physical health problems like headaches, stomachaches, and sleeping problems.
  7. Social problems: Bullying can damage relationships and make it hard to make friends. Victims may become withdrawn and have trouble trusting people.
  8. Workplace problems: Adults who were bullied as children may have trouble in the workplace, such as with job performance or maintaining relationships with co-workers.
  9. Legal problems: In some cases, bullying may lead to legal issues, such as if the bully is charged with assault or harassment.
  10. Risk-taking behaviors: Some victims of bullying may turn to risk-taking behaviors, such as drug use or drinking, in an attempt to cope with the pain, they are feeling.

Tips for Dealing with Bullies at School

If you are being bullied at school, there are things you can do to help yourself.

Tell Someone About the Bullying

First, it is important to tell someone about the bullying. This could be a parent, teacher, school counselor, or another trusted adult. Telling someone about the bullying will help you feel supported and will make it easier to deal with the situation.

Stand up for Yourself

If you feel safe doing so, you can try standing up to the bully. This could involve telling the bully to stop, walking away from the situation, or using assertive body language.

Ignore the Bully

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to ignore the bully. This will show them that their behavior is not affecting you and may make them stop.

Get Help from a Trusted Adult

If you don’t feel safe standing up to the bully on your own, or if the bullying continues despite your efforts to stop it, it is important to get help from a trusted adult.

A trusted adult can talk to the bully or their parents, involve other adults in addressing the bullying or take other measures to help stop the bullying.

Report the Bullying

If you are being cyberbullied, it is crucial to report the bullying to the website or service where it is taking place. For example, if you are being bullied on Facebook, you can report the bully to Facebook.

Block the Bully

If you are being cyberbullied, you can block the bully from contacting you. This will prevent them from sending you any more messages or seeing your posts.

Keep a Record of the Bullying

It can be helpful to keep a record of the bullying. This could include screenshots of mean texts or emails, copies of hurtful comments made online, or a journal documenting instances of physical or verbal bullying.

Keeping a record will help you show what is happening and is useful if you need help from a trusted adult or report the bullying.

Tips for Parents of Teens Who Are Being Bullied

How to Deal with Bullying at School as A Student


If your child is being bullied at school, there are things you can do as a parent to help them.

1. Talk to your child

The first step is to talk to your child about what is happening. This will help you understand what is going on and will give you a chance to offer support.

2. Listen to your child

It is important to listen to your child and let them know that you are there for them. This can be a difficult situation for your child, and they may need time to talk about what is happening.

3. Tell your child it is not their fault

It is important to tell your child that the bullying is not their fault. No one deserves to be bullied, no matter what.

4. Help your child identify their feelings

Try to help your child identify how they are feeling. This can be difficult, but it will help them understand and cope with their feelings.

5. Help your child develop a plan

Once you have talked to your child and listened to their concerns, you can help them develop a plan. This could involve talking to the bully or their parents, involving other adults, or taking other measures to stop the bullying.

6. Encourage your child to be assertive

If your child feels safe doing so, encourage them to stand up to the bully. This could involve telling the bully to stop, walking away from the situation, or using assertive body language.

7. Teach your child how to ignore bullies

Sometimes, the best thing a child can do is to ignore the bully. This will show them that their behavior is not affecting the child and may make them stop.

8. Seek professional help

If the bullying is severe or your child has difficulty coping, it is important to seek professional help. A mental health professional can offer support and assistance in dealing with bullying.

How Can Teachers Deal with Bullying at School?

There are several things teachers can do to deal with bullying at school:

1. Create a safe and supportive environment

The first step is to create a safe and supportive environment in the classroom. This means having clear rules against bullying and enforcing them consistently. It also means creating an atmosphere where students feel comfortable talking about their experiences and seeking help.

2. Be aware of what is going on

Teachers need to be aware of what is happening in the classroom and in the school. This includes being aware of any students who may be at risk of being bullied and any students who may be bullying others.

3. Intervene when necessary

If a teacher sees bullying taking place, it is important to intervene. This could involve talking to the students involved, separating them, or involving other adults in the situation.

4. Follow up after an incident

After bullying has occurred, it is important to follow up with the students involved. This gives the opportunity to talk about what happened and to help the students resolve the issue.

How Online Schooling Can Help You Avoid Bullying

If you are worried about being bullied at school, online learning could be a good option for you. Online schooling gives you the opportunity to avoid bullies by learning from home. You can also choose an online school that specializes in helping students who have been bullied. This can give you the support and resources you need to succeed.

Additionally, parents who homeschool their children are able to take on the responsibility of their child’s education and customize their child’s learning experience to avoid potential bullies and other negative influences found in traditional schools.

Final Thoughts

Bullying is a problem that has been around for as long as schools have been in existence. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. If you are a victim of bullying, know that you are not alone.

There are steps you can take to deal with the situation and get help. You should also tell someone if you see someone being bullied so they can step in and help.

High school of America offers an online education that can help students avoid bullies and get the education they need without worrying about their safety.

Contact us today to learn more about our online diploma program and how we can help your child stay safe and thrive in school.