How Many Hours Should You Study a Day in High School?

The answer to this question is a little more complicated than it seems. 

Different students excel at different things, and therefore will only need to study for as long as they need in order to retain information. However, there are some helpful guidelines teachers recommend when trying to determine how much time you should spend studying per day.

Factors to Consider

  1. Look at Your Schedule

The most effective way to figure out how long you should be studying is to look at the time you have available, and then extrapolate from there. If you’re in a school that runs on an intense block system where classes are 90 minutes long, followed by a 30-minute interval, it’s clear that you’ll only have one hour of free time every day after all of your lessons have ended. 

This leaves no room for error – if you want to achieve good grades you need to spend almost every bit of free time studying (it would also make more sense here to spend that hour eating dinner rather than cramming during the short spurts lessons). But even if your school doesn’t use a block system, you’ll still need to evaluate how many hours of free time you have after lessons.

  1. How Much Homework Do You Have?

If students are assigned two hours of homework every day for example, then they can spend an additional hour on studying. But if they’re assigned four hours or more, the majority of that time should be spent doing any kind of review and revision (even though it feels like wasted time). 

In extreme situations where there is so much work that it’s physically impossible to finish it all in one night, then dividing study sessions up into several smaller chunks is recommended – but try not to break your entire session down into segments less than 30 minutes long as this won’t be effective!

  1. How Much Time Should You Spend Revising?

Deciding how long to study is important but deciding how long to revise for can be even more so. Teachers often underestimate the amount of time they need, and many students don’t give enough back-attention to subjects they believe are “boring” or “not difficult”. 

However, it’s been proven that if you spend 20% of your revision time working on these seemingly easy topics, then this will actually save you a significant amount of work in the future (for example, if an English teacher spent 200 minutes each week reviewing vocab tests from Grade 7, they would only have to review the same test two weeks later). So never ignore topics simply because you think they’re “easy”, and try to spend as much time reviewing them as you do revise topics that are “harder” (they’re probably not, but if they seem so then it’s because you don’t know the information as well).

  1. How Many Times Should You Revise?

One of the most common things students forget to do is to actually review their work. You can tell how well your revision session went by looking at how much notes you took down during it – if all of your notes look like a mess with little to no connections between each other than this means that your mind was racing too quickly in order to really understand what was going on. 

In such cases, it’s recommended that you review whatever you studied again before moving on.

 Is Studying 6 Hours a Day Enough? 

Maximum Hours One Can Study in a Day

As a student, you probably think that studying 6 hours a day is the right thing to do. You’ve probably heard someone tell you “Study for at least 2 hours every day”  – but it doesn’t always work well. 

The fact is: most students study too hard and waste their time. You shouldn’t study more than 12 hours a day on weekdays, because you’ll just burn yourself out. On weekends, you can study up to 3-4 hours per day (because you have less homework), but no more than that!

Is Studying 10 Hours a Day Too Much? 

It’s a typical student lifestyle: doing all your homework, attending lectures, and preparing for exams. These periods require intense studying sessions to revise the necessary facts and pass through exams. 

However, students need some free time as well – to go out with friends or just have their own life outside of school. Is it possible to somehow combine these two lifestyles? Indeed, you can learn without any limits!

Is It Possible to Study 12 Hours a Day? 

For some students, it is a real feat. For others, it is unimaginable to study so much. Can you really study 12 hours a day? The answer is yes and no. You can study 12 hours a day if you want to but not everyone can do that in an efficient way. 

How Many Hours Should I Study a Day for Exams?

There is no right answer to this question. However, in general, a student should study at least two hours per day to keep up with the pace of his/her study plan and the assignments set by the teachers. 

It’s okay if you can’t do it every day. Just try your best! If you feel like studying more, then you might want to skip some social media time and catch up on a few chapters instead. Pace yourself according to your own situation and don’t get too stressed out about it! 

How Many Hours a Day Can You Effectively Study? 

That depends on the person. Some students can study very well in short spurts of time, while other students need to study for longer periods of time for their minds to absorb everything they are reading and comprehend it all. However, there is no one set answer as everyone learns differently. Make sure you focus on what works best for you!

How Many Hours a Day Should You Study in University?

In university, you’ll be studying a lot in general. However, it’s okay if you do not study for every single one of your classes every day. You can focus on studying for just a few days and prioritize those classes. Don’t feel pressured to study all the time!

If possible, try to avoid scheduling meetings during study hours as this could affect your ability to concentrate and retain information. In general, while studying is related to the amount of effort put into it as well as how much interest you have with a particular subject or topic; there are many factors that contribute to how well students perform in an exam setting. 

Some of these factors include, but aren’t limited to: time management skills, mental preparation before and during the exam, environmental distractions, and preparation before an exam.

How Long Should You Study in One Sitting?

The answer to this question depends entirely on your study plan and the exam you’re preparing for. As a rule of thumb, we would recommend not studying more than ~2 hours at a time.

Gradual Process 

A gradual process allows you to keep up with the material while minimizing stress and fatigue by taking frequent breaks (and doing some physical activity). If you are cramming, it is much harder to memorize large amounts of information in a short amount of time as opposed to gradually learning new material over an extended period of time. 

Other Factors 

Another factor that will affect how long you can study without losing concentration is sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep will dramatically decrease your ability to focus and retain the information you’re studying.

Sleep Deprivation & Fatigue 

When you’re sleep-deprived, your brain will compensate by increasing the overall activity in the prefrontal cortex while decreasing the activity in your hippocampus. This is problematic because you want increased activity in both areas when you are trying to learn new information. Essentially, this means that it’s more difficult for people who are sleep-deprived to access the information they just learned.

Fatigue also increases physical tension and stress which will make it harder for you to focus on what you’re studying. The best thing you can do if you feel yourself getting fatigued or stressed out is take a break from studying and engage in some sort of physical movement (e.g. – run around outside for 20 minutes). 

Take Frequent Breaks 

Taking breaks will help you make a smooth transition from focused study to unfocused (but still productive) activities like checking Facebook. It’s also important that when you come back to studying, you start off with small periods of time and gradually increase the amount of time you spend studying. This way, your brain won’t get overwhelmed by all the new information and should be able to learn it more smoothly.

How Many Hours Should I Study a Day in High School? Tips for effective study

Having said this – it is better for some people to take long breaks after extended periods of studying as opposed to going from short break – short break. This is because there are certain types of learners who can only retain information if they’re taking regular breaks throughout their study sessions. If this sounds like you, we recommend reading a book for a few minutes (e.g. – 15 to 30 minutes) and then coming back to the material you’re studying.

It is better not to study more than ~2 hours at a time if you want to retain information and minimize stress. As long as you are taking regular breaks from studying every ~1 hour, you should be fine even if your study session lasts longer than 2 hours.

How Many Hours Should I Study in a Year? 

How many hours should I be studying in a year? The answer is… it depends on your goal and how much talent you have. It’s not good to set a specific number of hours as a goal especially when you are a beginner because it can drive you crazy. 

When you sit down with your instrument, if the time seems to pass by quickly, that means you’re learning at your maximum speed now. But if during your study session, you feel like every second feels like an hour has passed by, then most likely you’re going too fast and doing things that don’t make sense (and this is common when a few beginners trying to learn new things). 

As we all know, something makes more sense when we do it slowly, but foreign languages offer us different challenges. It’s not going to be an easy task to pick up a new language in one year, especially when you consider that your first goal is to learn all the alphabet and sounds of that language.

The most important thing for students is to find their optimum time speed (not too slow or too fast). In fact, it’s quite simple; one must always remember that he/she shouldn’t stick to the time he/she spent. It’s a waste of time if one gets stuck on the time limit and gives up all his/her practice just because the teacher sets a specific amount of time for his/her students. You have to know how much you’ve done (the result) in that hour, not how many hours it took.

Everybody learns differently; some people learn better when listening while others can read. It’s up to you how much time you can allocate for learning and how efficient your study time is!