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How to Get a High School Diploma — for Homeschooler
When homeschooling, parents of high school learners usually wonder how their homeschooling students will get a diploma. Also, they might wonder whether a diploma is necessary so as to attend a university or college, join the military, or get a job.
The good news is that most traditionally homeschooled learners get a diploma from their parents, which is typically accepted by many universities and colleges.
For learners attending an online homeschool or undertake their course through a correspondence school, they normally obtain their high school diplomas from that school. But as for getting a high school diploma from the school district where your homeschooled learner resides—that hardly occurs.
For example, there are specific graduation requirements in some states, even for learners who are homeschooling. In such situations, after your learners have met all the requirements needed for graduation, then they have attained their high school diploma.
In case your state does not mention graduation requirements, then you are possibly allowed to create your own. As a result, your graduation requirements ought to be based on the future career goals, interests, and abilities of your teen.
What are the advantages to homeschooling high school?
The advantages of homeschooling are numerous. Some reasons are economic, some social, and others spiritual.
Economically, homeschooling can reduce costs by eliminating tuition and other fees associated with public or private schools. In addition to saving money, you can control your teenagers’ academic environment by teaching the subjects that interest them most or in which they are most interested.
Homeschooling also gives parents the opportunity to involve their children in certain extracurricular activities that may be difficult, if not impossible, for other students because of time conflicts with school hours and bus schedules. Instead of being limited to what is convenient for the public school system, homeschooled children have access to any resources available.
Socially, homeschooling offers students an opportunity to interact with peers who share similar values and beliefs. How can public schools provide this type of learning environment? Schools are usually forced to accept children from a wide range of cultures, religions, economic levels, and family situations. It is nearly impossible for schools to provide a well-rounded education when they must use so many resources for remediation.
Spiritually, homeschooling gives parents an opportunity to address their teens’ spiritual needs. Without the distraction of school, you can offer your children an environment where faith is nurtured and personal prayer time can be spent each day with God. You can also teach your children the value of giving back to their community by volunteering at churches, hospitals, and other charitable organizations.
What You Are Supposed to Know
Normally, a high school diploma is an official document that is awarded by a learning institution to indicate that the learner has successfully attained the necessary graduation requirements. Although homeschools are typically not accredited like most private and public schools, this does not negatively affect the career or college goals of the student.
Actually, most homeschooled learners are admitted to universities and colleges and can even get scholarships. But in case you need your homeschooled learner to have an accredited high school diploma, then you need to look into a distance learning program or online school.
Note that most universities and colleges are actively searching for homeschool graduates and usually recognize a non-traditional approach to learning.
Also, make sure that you are aware of the admission requirements for universities and colleges your learner is interested in. Besides, if your learner has interests in joining the military after graduation, you will be required to talk with a recruiter to establish whether your learner will require a high school diploma from an accredited school.
If this is the case, you might want to consider having your learner supplement their homeschooling learning with some course from a local community college.
Additionally, it is vital to note that homeschooled learners will not be required to get a GED.When learners get tests, military recruiters, employers, and admission officers might assume that your learner dropped out of high school rather than graduating from a homeschooling environment.
How Homeschoolers Get High School Diplomas
Homeschooled learners get a high school diploma like the way traditional learners are offered a diploma by their public or private schools. If homeschooling, schools are made up of parents or guardians who homeschool children. Homeschooling parents usually print or obtain and sign an official diploma template that comprises similar info as found on a diploma from a public or traditional school. This diploma can serve as the official completion documentation of the learner and might be submitted to colleges and employers.
Is a Homeschool Diploma the Same as a High School Diploma?
Yes. A high school homeschool diploma is the same as a high school diploma obtained from a brick-and-mortar school. A high school diploma is offered by a homeschool learning institution, which is the home school and the parent. The parent offers a print homeschool high school diploma, similar to a traditional school.
Is a Homeschool Diploma Valid?
A homeschool diploma is valid like the way a traditional high school diploma is valid. Homeschool diplomas are similar to private and public-school diplomas in the United States. Rather than diplomas being issued by a private or public school, parents of homeschooling learners issue the diploma once they meet the graduation requirements and homeschool state regulations where they reside. Since homeschool diplomas are valid, like private or public-school diplomas, then they ought to be accepted by employers and colleges.
Why a Transcript is Crucial
Although parents are generally most concerned about getting a high school diploma, a transcript is typically more important compared to a diploma. A transcript shows what coursework your learners completed as well as the kind of grades that they scored in the very course.
Notably, transcripts are requested by more than just universities and colleges. Mostly, scholarship committees, apprenticeship programs, trade schools, the military, and employers can request a copy of your student’s transcript. Moreover, a health insurance company might require a copy of an academic transcript to ensure that your learner is eligible for a good student discount.
You can also keep a separate document with course descriptions if it is ever requested by a college, university, or future employer. This document ought to contain names of individual courses, as well as materials that are utilized in completing them, such as textbooks, lab materials, online courses, websites, hands-on experiences, and internships.
To put together a transcript of your learner, you can design ad print the document using a transcript service or HLDA. Moreover, HDLA has educational consultants that assist you in putting together a transcript of your student and even check Grade Point Average (GPA) calculations. Overall, your student’s transcript ought to include the following:
- The name of your student, your homeschool’s name, telephone number, and address.
- The high school course list in order by year (grades 9-12); include grades 7 and 8 in the case your learner took high school level courses in those grades
- The institution where every course was taken (i.e., community college, online school, or homeschool)
- The grading scale employed in your homeschool
- The overall Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Credits assigned per course (listed by semester and per year)
- Expected graduation date
- The signature of the parent with a date
Besides, if your learner took classes at a local university or community college, then ne sure to request copies of transcripts as well. You can ensure that they are sent to the military recruiter, prospective college, or employer who requested the transcripts together with the student’s homeschool transcript.