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Consider HSOA’s Affordable Accredited Online Homeschool Programs
We’ve always known that home schooling is one of the best educational methods but there have also always been a few problems with it. First of all, it usually required one of the parents to serve as the teacher, and that creates all sorts of issues. The parent in question needs to have very few obligations, they need to be unemployed for the most part, and they need to have an abundance of time on their hands. In addition to that they have to be familiar with the curriculum, and let’s be honest, how many people out there remember how to do fifth grade math? If you do, you’re quite lucky. Additionally, there are new subjects, and some of the lower level subjects are now the levels some of us learned in high school. Let’s face it, some of us just are not qualified to teach our kids.
Because of those points, it should be no surprise that many parents simply opted for public school in the past despite the obvious issues with it. What issues are those, you might ask? The biggest problem we’ve found is that outside of home schooling, many students simply aren’t given a chance to thrive, and it’s all based on their perceived abilities. Albert Einstein once made the statement that a goldfish would be deemed incapable of learning if it were asked to climb a tree, and while we have paraphrased heavily, you certainly get the point. Beyond that in todays world children face bullying, safety issues, and over crowding of the classroom to name just a few other problems. It is no wonder home schooling is becoming more and more common!
It’s a Busy Life – Home Schooling is Essential
Albert Einstein once made the statement that a goldfish would be deemed incapable of learning if it were asked to climb a tree, and while we have paraphrased heavily, you certainly get the point.
Today’s world brings many different challenges to a wide variety of individuals. Mothers, for example, spend more time working today than ever before, and it is entirely true that both adults in the household need to hold down full-time jobs in order to pay the bills and support their children. This was not true in the past, but it is definitely true now, and with that being the case, home schooling has become tedious, to say the least. If you thought home schooling was difficult in the past, it’s even more of a problem now. That being said, some house holds still want to teach their children in a manner that they feel is more beneficial to them and find home schooling to be essential.
A Light at the End of the Tunnel
Arguably, home schooling is hard to get off the ground in any household due to the busy schedule of both parents, and the last thing you want to do is hire a teacher to take over as this will take unnecessary financial obligation. What we have, however, is a solution that meets you halfway and gives your child a much better chance of learning – online high school is now easier than ever before, especially given the number of households that have internet access today. There are also online K-12 programs that can assist you with you, by being online home schooling.
A Curriculum You Can Get Behind

We Have the Best Homeschooling Plans for Low-Income Families
In the vein of leaving no child behind regardless of their limitations (or differences) we offer a wide variety of courses whether you’re looking for the core curriculum (math, reading, science, etc) or some of the extracurriculars that will help them to succeed even further later in life. Foreign languages, for example, are courses taught freely at our school whereas it might not be so easy to access at public schools. This also means that we offer courses that allow each student to learn at their own pace. What this means for your child is that he or she can take their time to learn sections of their education that seem to be harder for them, while they can move more quickly through the parts at which they excel. This means that they will get individualized learning levels for their needs. To get started, all you need to do is enroll and have your child choose the courses they want – it really is that simple.
Home Schooling with an Online Program
Online learning frees up time for your child and allows them to learn at their own pace, which is something that public school simply do not excel it. That being said, now would be a great time for you to start looking into the opportunities we offer and make sure that your child is on the right path – it won’t be too long before they have the courses they need to build a future that will sustain them for the rest of their lives.
The best part of an online high school diploma in this manner, is that it is not only accredited, it is much less expensive than hiring a teacher to visit your home on a weekly basis. Distance learning is a great way to give your child an opportunity to excel and we’re proud to be the ones to provide the tools. Look at our offerings today and get them ready for a world of learning. It’s time to ditch the public school and move on to something more productive.
High School of America and Home Schooling Today

Enroll to High School of America for the Most Affordable and Fully Accredited Homeschool Programs
Home schooling has been simplified by High School of America. With the online courses to help parents ensure that their children are getting the newest, accurate, and most important information taught to them, nearly half the work is taken care of. Beyond that, parents have the assurance that their children are getting an accredited education with an actual high school diploma. This means that the education that they are working on today will help them with the future they need for tomorrow. Universities and employers will both recognize their education as legitimate and consider them to have what it takes to succeed.
If you are considering home schooling for your children, do yourself and them a favor and contact us here at High School of America, today!