If a standard high school isn’t working for you, it’s time to consider your options. Some students returning to get their high school diploma just don’t want the conventional classroom. Your schedule may not always allow it. For the parents who find public schools just aren’t right, online high school classes can also open up new doors.

If you’re ready to take on the challenge, taking high school classes online lets you accelerate your schedule. When you need to take a break or put more focus on a subject you struggle in, you can take fewer classes. Online high school is on your timeline and your schedule. Instead of being bound to someone else’s hours, you can watch many lectures when you’re ready. As long as you turn in assignments and take tests on time, you’ll know what you can keep up with.

With hundreds of options, you can find the classes you need to graduate high school ready to keep up with your classmates. Online schools offer remedial classes for students struggling in one area. We also have advanced placement classes available for students who aren’t being challenged enough in one or more subjects.

At High School of America, we know we have a diverse range of students learning with us. We have schedules that can help you graduate in the traditional four years. It’s up to you what you take and your pace.

Prepare for College with High School Classes Online

online high school programsThe goal for many students who look for high school classes online isn’t just a high school diploma. They’re earning a high school diploma so they can go to college or apply to a career program. All these require a high school diploma. It’s just the first step to a higher paying career and more opportunities. It’s more than just a piece of paper when you take high school classes online.

You aren’t just taking a test to show proficiency. You still have to work your way through different classes, some of which you won’t love. You could spend months in a career school or years in college. Each student has to display the perseverance and other traits you learn taking high school classes online.

You can also take classes to plan for the future. A future doctor may want to focus on science classes and volunteer opportunities at local hospitals. A student who wants to go into teaching may want to explore a more diverse range of subjects. High school classes prepare you for the challenges college brings and the level of expertise required.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and More

You can customize your class schedule to fit your needs. More students at all levels are taking an interest in the STEM fields. These fields often bring in a greater income and open new opportunities. It’s not enough just to offer STEM classes. We offer advanced options that prepare you for the fields you’re interested in.

From advanced placement to more specific STEM classes, you have options. You can choose between Earth, Physical, and Life sciences. You can also lay the groundwork for engineering.

Prepare for a Career in High School Classes Online

Not every student knows what they want in high school. Even if you think you know now, you can always change your mind. Career-minded students can get a head start with classes at High School of America. We offer a range of in-demand classes that cater to specific needs. You’ll need a career school or college degree to be qualified for employers. Laying the groundwork gives you more opportunities starting in college.

Teachers and other mentors can help guide you through the process. This way, you know the most efficient ways to get the process started. You don’t have to waste any time. For some students, this means an accelerated schedule with more of these targeted classes. Depending on what you’re looking for, it could even mean taking dual-credit classes. You can earn more credits towards your college degree before you graduate high school. You don’t have to take extra classes to do it.

Because our classes are offered online, you get more flexibility. You get the schedule that fits your needs instead of being tied to someone else’s. You can even take summer classes if they fit your needs.

If you’re looking for more support, always look to High School of America. We help you graduate high school and launch into the college and career that interests you. To see more about the curriculum options we offer, just click here.