Challenges Faced by High School Students and Their Parents

Even though time spent at college is a fond memory and a happy experience for most, student life is not without its rough patches. Everyone’s high school situation is unique. Even so, there are a few everyday problems for college students. If you are on your way to college, get a jump on how to deal with the challenges that may come your way. Here are some of the major problems faced by students in school today.

Everyday Problems for Students

Everyday problems for students

Students may be hesitant about dependence and independence. Some will openly ask for parent support while others will not tell parents essential details. Parents need to ask their adolescent kids how they are doing without inquiring too much – while also being accessible and open to understanding learning challenges for students.

The school may not live up to the expectations set by the brochures and admissions counselors. Rarely does an admissions catalog tell-all about the ins and outs, and the limits and shortcomings of a place.

Even though many classes are small and most ideal, some students may feel overwhelmed by large classes. This is part of the problems faced by students in the classroom.Some students may be the youngest in the class or the least experienced in the subject matter. Most students are used to being the oldest and the brightest, which is a significant change for them.

Among the problems faced by students in secondary schools today is the quality of food offered. The food is not like home cooking. Students can start gaining weight during the first year, eating excess fat, starch, and junk food. Most students will complain about the food provided in their school. The food here is not mom or dad’s cooking.

Roommates often have diverse lifestyles, values, and ways of doing things. A high school roommate can be particularly reliable, unreliable, messy, assertive, helpful, noisy, confused, and problematic to live with. Some students find it challenging to live with a new person. For others, it will be easy and form a lasting friendship.
Problems faced by students
If a student calls home to complain about a roommate problem, encourage them first to settle what could be affecting their relationship.

There are counselors and Residence Assistants (RAs) who have been trained to assist in this process. Additionally, students may need to talk about switching roommates if the situation becomes intolerable – for example if a roommate becomes abusive.

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