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Top 8 Online Learning Barriers
In an online learning environment, every student has endless attention spans and open schedules. Students usually look forward to each online learning activity and module, and inherent motivation will thrive. Unluckily, online learning professionals have many obstacles that they have to deal with.
When they get the best combination and overcome the barriers, they can offer amazing online learning experiences. In this blog, we focus on major online learning barriers that impede the engagement of online students with online learning materials and tips to overcome them.
Top Online Learning Barriers and Ways of Overcoming Them
1. Inadequate Tech Experience
Online students can hesitate to start online learning since they do not have experience in tech. They have heard that online learning is only for individuals who have experience with tech; hence, they avoid it till now. This belief prevents many students from jumping to online classes.
Online students usually convince themselves that they require advanced skills in technology so that they can participate. Nevertheless, you can eliminate their worries by providing them with personalized support and online tutorials. Create demos to show the students how to use and access the Learning Management System. You should invite the students to an online learning webinar where you will take them through the online learning process.
2. Past Experience
Not every person has great past experience with virtual learning. This is the reason why they are reluctant to enroll now. This is common for students who experienced tedious compliance with virtual learning courses. You cannot delete the past, but you have to ensure that you make them enthusiastic regarding your present online learning course.
You should stress the advantages early so that they can know what is in place. Online students with negative experiences do not want more negative surprises. So, you should be clear to the students why they are supposed to take their online learning course as well as how it will enhance their lives. Moreover, carry out questionnaires and polls to recognize problem areas that require attention. For instance, problems that result from other online learning courses.
3. Absence of Motivation
The other barrier to virtual learning is motivation. This is among the challenges that teachers face. There are many things that lead to a lack of motivation. However, there are numerous ways of getting your online students actively engaged and involved in the learning process. Gamification offers online students the encouragement they require to accomplish desired results.
4. Personal Cognitions
Online students can be experiencing self-defeating opinions and beliefs. For instance, they can feel like they do not possess the abilities or skills to enroll in an online learning program.
This deters your students from obtaining the advantages of online learning. To deal with the issue of personal cognition, you should evaluate and acknowledge them. You can ask online students thought-provoking queries which make them evaluate their assumptions and beliefs.
5. Challenging Online Learning Resources
The other barrier to online learning is too challenging course materials. If only materials are too easy, eLearning students might be disengaged or bored. If the course materials are too hard, students can be discouraged and end up giving up.
Here, you have to study your students well and do pre-assessments so as to determine the optimal level of barriers. The objective is to provide them with a sense of success without struggling too much in their online learning course. You can also divide complex goals into several milestones that can be managed to enhance their motivation. Students have the chance to monitor their progress.
6. Inadequate Support
Lack of adequate support is the other barrier that online students face. This makes online students to breeze through their online learning program alone. They do not any extra support and can complete their online learning course without difficulties.
Also, there are some students who need continuous support through their online learning experience. They might be struggling using a learning management system, or they might get online courses hard. Irrespective of the kind of online students you have, ensure that they get support. Offer students online resource links and contact details they can utilize so as to enhance their comprehension.
7. Absence of Community Involvement
Some individuals associate online learning with loneliness and isolation. Such people want to increase their knowledge, but they do not want to do it on their own. Due to this, you need to build a virtual education community for your online learning program.
Create online forums and social media groups where students can interact with their colleagues and ask questions. Create an online learning website or blog that features crucial multimedia links and articles. The other alternative is creating online activities that enable students to practice solving problems with their colleagues. Online learning webinars are other ways of preventing feeling isolated and promoting community involvement.
8. Online Boredom
The other challenge of online learning is boredom. Online students usually check out when boredom starts. Dealing with this barrier is one of the major quests for online teachers. There is no secret recipe for making your online learning course engaging and inspiring.
For online instructors to deal with this barrier, they have to understand their online students. They should conduct pre-assessments, interviews, and surveys to find out their goals, needs, and expectations. Use online learning feedback to develop relatable and relevant online learning experiences that will assist in solving challenges. Additionally, create individual education paths that enable online students to select their online learning activities.
Keep these eight tips in order to overcome barriers to online learning and ensure that your students get excited regarding the online learning experience. You can assist them in moving them from the perceptions that hold them back. Always remember that it is all about providing them with the personalized assistance they require and establishing personal connections.
How To Make Online Learning Easy For Students (Tips for Teachers and Homeschooling Parents)
The following tips may help:
- Give students the chance to learn at their own pace, preferably in a self-paced environment. This way they can review the lesson material as many times as needed until they’ve mastered it before moving on to the next step of the curriculum.
- The online learning experience should be interactive – both with other classmates and between the student and teacher through discussion boards, live chat, or regular video conferences. Students want to not only learn from you but also interact with you – that’s what makes them feel like they’re getting personal attention and being treated like an individual (one of your goals as an educator is surely to motivate your students). Encouraging interaction points throughout your course will make it more likely that students will engage with you and each other, which makes for an overall more vibrant learning experience.
- The online curriculum should be engaging and stimulating – as much fun to interact with as possible. This may require making a conscious (or maybe unconscious) effort to inject some personality into your presentation so that it’s not just another boring course but rather something that students enjoy being a part of – even if they don’t always realize it at the time!
- Online offers opportunities for group work or collaborations in which students can study together in teams to complete projects or design solutions to problems; this is yet another way student engagement can increase as they prepare their best collaborative work, discuss ideas with teammates, and ultimately share their knowledge with others.
- Instructors should be accessible at all hours to help students when they need it – this is yet another way that online learning can still provide the sense of individualized attention that many students want and feel like they’re getting from in-person courses. It also allows for some flexibility if a student needs extra time outside of class or during recess, for example, to get something done.Â
- Online classes are not limited by location, so opportunities exist for virtual field trips to attend live demonstrations or participate in events that could never be visited in person; but even short videos demonstrating how things work can give students useful insights into new concepts that wouldn’t otherwise be possible through simply reading about them in books.
- Students may be able to work at their own pace, but they may also be more self-motivated if there’s a clear system in place for determining when they are ready to move on from a course. This could be based on the completion of pre-determined learning goals, or by demonstrating knowledge and skills through tests and quizzes (with video review to help students identify where improvements can be made).
- Another way that c can save you time is by providing all course materials from the beginning – including instructions, directions, lecture notes (with PowerPoints), videos and external links. Having everything available means that you don’t have to spend as much time during class going over this material with your students – you’ll just need to review it yourself before class, then provide students an opportunity to get any clarifications needed during class time.
- Online education is not just about learning in the classroom; it also means having a way for students to continue their studies outside of the classroom – whether that’s through videos or notes they’ve taken while attending your course, or by being able to download and print out resources from your website (which may include worksheets and test questions that will help them review what they’ve learned). At some schools you can even access your courses after hours online from home!
- Most importantly, make sure you’re available as much as possible to answer student questions when they arise – this helps promote engagement because students feel like there’s someone on their side who is concerned about them and wants to help them succeed.Â
Engaging students in your online courses can also mean using other teaching methods besides audio, visual and written; for example, you could use mind maps or flow charts to organize information, or a Socratic seminar to get students thinking critically about the topic at hand. You could also encourage students to look into different perspectives on controversial topics that would give them a new way of looking at things; this will be especially effective if they’re given opportunities to research things independently – something that’s much easier when taking classes online!
When it comes down to it, engagement doesn’t just happen – you have to make a conscious effort towards encouraging it in your classroom one way or another. While some students might understand your efforts when you’re in the same room together, other students may not respond as well to simply having things explained to them one way. By using methods that can be applied to any learning style, you’ll be able to engage more of your students – and best of all, many of these strategies will cost nothing but a little bit of time and effort on your part!