What Can I Do Instead Of Public School?

Online public school alternatives are popping up across the United States, helping students stay on track with their education. These include Homeschooling, Unschooling, Parochial Schools, Independent/Secular Private Schools, Military/Boarding Schools, Online Schools, and Charter Schools.


Homeschooling is a method of education that takes place at home, instead of in a public or private school. It’s intended for the students whose parents want them to receive their schooling in a safe and comfortable environment. Homeschooling is becoming more popular every year, and there are many benefits associated with it.

  1. Affordability

Homeschooling is affordable for many reasons. Firstly, the child’s safety is not at risk when they are homeschooled, since their parents can keep track of them while they study. A second reason why it’s so affordable is that tutors usually give private lessons in order to educate the students, which can greatly cut down on costs.

  1. Flexibility

Homeschooling is a flexible type of education because students can work at their own pace and schedule. They are evaluated periodically by their parents to ensure that they’re progressing well with their studies. If a student needs extra time or assistance studying a particular subject, their parents can take the necessary steps to support them.

  1. Promotes creativity and curiosity

Homeschooling is advantageous for children because it allows them to flex their creative muscles. They aren’t required to follow a strict schedule that’s set by a teacher, which gives them freedom to explore and try new things.

  1. Provides individual attention to each student

When schools are overcrowded, teachers don’t have the ability to give their students as much individualized attention as they’d like. This can be problematic for students who fall behind or struggle with certain subjects. However, homeschooled children get all the attention that they need when it comes to their studies, because they’re studied in a one-on-one setting.

  1. Allows students to learn at their own pace

Homeschooling allows students to progress at their own pace, which makes it favorable for those who want to work ahead or take a break from their lessons. This is advantageous for gifted and talented children because homeschooling allows them to gain knowledge that’s usually reserved for older students. However, it’s also beneficial for slower learners because their parents can focus on mastering each lesson before they move on to the next one.

The main disadvantages of homeschooling include not having the opportunity to learn inside a classroom and the lack of social life. Homeschoolers must have very high self-motivation and time management skills in order to do it effectively. Some states don’t allow or test for homeschooling so some families choose to enroll their children in a physical school while they do homeschooling on the side.

Online Schools

Online schooling is a form of distance education where students can learn from home, without being physically present in the same location as their teachers. Instead, instructors deliver lessons and interact with students using technological tools such as email, instant messaging, online chat rooms, and video conferencing. Students access course materials over the internet through a secure site or a virtual private network (VPN) and communicate with instructors through the online learning management system.

: Online Schools as an Alternative to Public Schools Online


While there are many different types of online learning programs, they share several distinct features:

  • Teachers use various technologies to deliver course materials and interact with students.
  • Students access course materials over the internet using an assigned username and password.
  • Learning takes place within an online learning management system.
  • Most students work independently to complete course requirements, though some degree of interaction with other students is common.

Benefits of Online Learning to High School Students

  • More time to spend on other activities.
  • No commuting is required.
  • Availability of more courses not offered at the typical public school.
  • Opportunities for hands-on experiences and internships that might otherwise be unavailable.
  • An opportunity to take more challenging courses.
  • More flexibility for students who have other responsibilities (children, jobs, etc.).

Benefits of Online Learning to Parents of High School Students

  • No school bus to drive.
  • No time spent on long commutes.
  • The flexibility of online learning allows children’s education to be the priority rather than having to work around school hours.


Unschooling is an educational approach that follows the child’s natural curiosity and interests. It is a style of learning without formal lessons, where children learn through play, exploration, and interactions with their environment. Unschooling differs from traditional methods of teaching by removing standard curriculums and allowing children to discover subjects on their own timetables.

The term “unschooling” was coined by John Holt in the 1970s. He believed that children learn through natural consequences, rather than learning about consequences through lessons. He also felt that children were not forced to learn at their own pace, but were pushed beyond their capabilities before they had a chance to develop their own interests or abilities.

Holt also felt that traditional education methods were too focused on what was best for society and not enough on the individual child. Holt was a strong believer in letting children choose their own paths, even if they strayed from mainstream ideas of success. He came to believe that formal schooling prevented young people from finding their true talents and passions.

The Pros and Cons of Unschooling

Opinions on unschooling vary widely. For some people, the idea of not enrolling their children in school is unthinkable. It challenges many standard practices, especially with regard to parenting. Other parents are interested in the possibility of letting their children learn outside a traditional school setting.

Unschooled children still participate in activities that help them develop the social skills and other life experiences they need to succeed as adults. They also have a chance to discover their own interests and talents, which traditional schools do not always allow for.

Some people worry that unschooled children will grow up without a clear understanding of basic concepts or that they will miss out on important learning opportunities. Unschooling advocates counter these concerns by pointing out that children learn well when they are ready to learn. They may not be ready for a particular lesson, even if it is later in life, and formal education would be a waste of time for them.

Parochial Schools/Catholic Schools

Catholic schools are often the first choice for religious families looking to avoid public schools. These schools typically have stricter rules on their students, meaning less distraction and violence at school.

The curriculum follows a nationally recognized system of education, so children are given an education that is relevant nationwide.

Independent/Secular Private Schools

Private schools are independent institutions managed by private sector organizations. Private schools, like their public school counterparts, provide education services to students that meet or exceed the national standards set by the Department of Education. The main difference between public and private schools is who manages them. Public schools are managed by government agencies while private schools are managed either by private citizens and organizations or in some cases by foundations.

Private schools come in many forms. You can find them in the elementary level or kindergarten where their main service is to provide education for children aged 5-12 years old, or high school offering courses from 1st-year high school until 12th grade.

Benefits of Private Schools Over Public Schools

The benefits of having private schools over public schools are the quality of education, differences in learning methods, lesson plans, and teaching materials. A lot of parents today send their children to private schools because they know how much their future will be affected by what they learn at a young age. Private schools have the advantage because they are run by citizens who have good management skills and qualified teachers that will teach their students accordingly.

Military/Boarding Schools

Another common public school alternative is military academies, which are available at the high school level. These schools typically have stricter rules on their students for a safer learning environment. Boarding schools provide an education to students who live far away from their classes.

Charter Schools

Charter schools are public schools that receive additional funds from the government for certain accomplishments. Charter schools have more freedom in their curriculum and day-to-day operation than traditional public schools. The charter school movement has been growing rapidly as an alternative to traditional public education, particularly since it provides a wide array of academics rather than the one-size-fits-all public school approach.

Notes on Homeschooling, Unschooling, Parochial, Private, Military Schools

Homeschooled students typically have the longest attention spans of all students because they are not constantly distracted by their surroundings. This is both a disadvantage and an advantage for homeschooled children; it’s good because it keeps them focused, but bad because they may get bored.

Unschoolers typically have more fun learning than traditional students because they are so interested in what they’re studying. They must be highly self-motivated to avoid getting distracted and losing interest. Parochial schools provide strict rules for students so that it creates a safer environment. This leads to a more focused learning environment for your children.

Private schools have a curriculum that is relevant nationwide, which means students will have access to courses found in universities across the country. Military academies are at the highest level of public school and they typically have stricter rules on behavior and dress code than traditional public schools do. This leads to a safer learning environment for your child(ren).

Online courses allow students to take their education from home. This means they can spend more time with their families, but it also means they will miss out on any extracurricular activities that a traditional school would provide.

Charter schools receive additional funds from the government in return for accomplishing certain goals, such as more individualized attention for students. This means your child will get a valuable education, but it also means they will be required to meet certain goals in order to keep receiving funds.

School Alternatives for ADHD Children

Do you know someone with ADHD? If so, do they seem unfocused and disorganized? Have you ever thought it’s because of the school environment? Children with ADHD are often unable to focus on one thing at a time. Their minds tend to be scattered across many subjects and tasks, making them hard to teach in traditional schools. This is why they often require special attention and schooling options.

Children with ADHD may benefit from homeschooling or online courses, such as those offered by High School of America. Schools such as these allow students to study at their own pace, which is important because different children learn at different speeds. Additionally, both homeschooling and online courses allow students to break up their work with short breaks. This is beneficial for children with ADHD because they often have trouble focusing on one task for an extended period of time.

Parents should also consider schools that implement a “student-paced” education. High School of America offers lessons and assignments at flexible times so your child can complete them throughout the day rather than all at once. This can be beneficial for children with ADHD because they are often able to work on their own schedule, which allows them to focus better and avoid distractions.

Alternative Education Options for Homeless & Low-Income Parents

Affordable Homeschooling Online


Home-schooling and cyber schooling are both viable options for parents who do not feel that their children’s needs are being met in the public school system. Many of these types of schools offer scholarships and grants to students whose home lives may be causing them issues, allowing these children to get the education they deserve for free or at a reduced cost.

Home-schooling and cyber schooling are both considered to be private school options; however, they aren’t always interchangeable. To find out which type of education is right for your family, speak with a representative from the school’s admissions department or visit their website.

The Importance of Finding a Reputable Institution

When looking for an institution that offers education, it is important to find one that provides a high-quality education. This is because a student’s education can affect them for the rest of their lives. Reliable testing and data collection can provide a great amount of insight into a school’s strengths and weaknesses.

As with any educational institution, it is best to research different pre-college institutions before making a decision on where to study. Information about distance learning options as well as the qualifications and backgrounds of teachers and administrators will be very helpful.

How to Choose a Reputable Institution

If you are interested in studying online or at a traditional brick-and-mortar school, the method of instruction will highly depend on your interests and needs.

It is important to ensure that your child’s school has their best interest in mind. Research the school’s mission statement, objectives, policies, and procedures before enrolling your child. Would this be a good fit for them? Are their interests being catered to with these programs? What are the qualifications of the instructors?

If you’re new to education, some schools will provide live online chats where they can talk with school representatives. Make sure that any questions you have are answered before committing yourself or your child to a school. You should be looking for academic institutions that offer high-quality instruction and resources at an affordable price point.

The Benefits of Virtual Learning

Virtual learning is an excellent way to expand your child’s education, as it provides them with the opportunity to learn about subjects they would not otherwise learn about in public school. The benefits of learning at home include increased academic success, increased engagement with the material, and more room for creativity. With a wide range of courses to choose from, your child can find something that they are passionate about and really enjoy learning about it.

In order to get the most out of virtual learning, students need access to technology such as a computer with an internet connection. Many virtual learning programs also require a way for instructors to communicate with students. This can be achieved by email or through online messaging programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is online school better than public school?

A large number of students find themselves distracted or uninterested in their surroundings, which is why some prefer homeschooling over public school. Online courses provide a flexible schedule so that students can complete their studies at their own pace. Students who are unsure about online education may be interested to note that more than 1/3 of high school seniors attend college online.

What are the benefits of online schooling vs traditional schooling?

The main benefit of homeschooling is that it allows your child to explore their interests and passions. Without any set rules, children will be able to learn whatever they want from a given catalogue of courses. This also provides an advantage for those who fall behind in their grades or need additional help with their schoolwork due to special needs.

Can I homeschool my child?

The first step in homeschooling is picking a curriculum. Think about what kinds of skills your child needs to learn, so you can choose a course from any number of online schools offering courses for all grade levels.

The second step is to choose a method. The possibilities include direct instruction, unit studies, independent reading, and personalized learning. You can also mix and match different methods as necessary. Don’t forget that you are the teacher; if your child needs help with algebra or the English language, there are plenty of online courses available for those subjects.

Do I need to be a certified teacher?

No, you don’t need to be a certified teacher to homeschool your child. However, you will need to submit an affidavit stating that you’ll comply with state requirements such as providing instruction in math and language arts.

Will I be able to provide my child with all of their educational needs?

Yes, you can provide your child with all of their educational needs without ever setting foot inside a classroom. High School of America offers plenty of online courses for every grade level and school subject. Hence, you can ensure that your child receives a well-rounded education.

Is online learning the same as homeschooling?

No, online learning and homeschooling are not the same things. By definition, homeschooling is when a parent assumes responsibility for their child’s education from kindergarten through the 12th grade. In contrast, online courses provide students with lessons for a variety of subjects.

Can my child get a high school diploma through homeschooling?

Yes, you can help your child receive their high school diploma by teaching them at home. Many online schools offer courses that are equivalent to traditional classes, so if your child does well in their coursework, they may be able to receive their high school diploma.

Can online schools help my child get accepted into college?

Yes, receiving a diploma from an accredited online school should be helpful in getting your child admitted to college. However, you and your child will need to prepare for the SAT or ACT as well as show that they have the diligence and motivation necessary for college-level work.

Can online schools help my child get a scholarship?

Yes, an online school can help your child earn scholarships by providing them with the opportunity to learn at their own pace. If they receive good grades, they may qualify for academic scholarships; if they participate in sports or extracurricular activities, they could earn athletic scholarships.

Can homeschooling make my child socially awkward?

No, there’s no reason that homeschooling should make your child any less social. There are many online communities for homeschoolers where they can share experiences and interests with other students in similar situations. Many of these communities will hold field trips and camping events as well.

What does it take to be successful in an online program?

The qualities that are most important for success in an online program are self-discipline, motivation, and good time management skills. There are many distractions when learning at home, so it’s vital to have the commitment needed to persevere in studies.

How do I know which online courses are high quality?

You can evaluate the quality of an online course by looking at its website and curriculum. The website should be well organized and offer a variety of materials that will help your child learn, such as videos or interactive exercises. In addition, the curriculum should be engaging and up to date rather than comprised of outdated material.

How will I manage with my child staying at home all day?

It’s likely that you’ll miss your child and feel a bit lonely when they first begin homeschooling. However, you can find other ways to occupy your time such as taking classes online or exploring the local community.

What are some benefits of homeschooling?

Some of the main benefits of homeschooling include personalized education as well as the ability to spend more time with your child. Homeschooling also offers students the chance to explore extracurricular activities and trips that traditional schools might not allow.

What can I do if my child is failing?

If your child’s grades are continuously dropping, it’s time to start thinking about their education options. Some parents opt to enrol their children in online schools, while others choose home-schooling or tutoring.

How will I know what my child is learning if we homeschool?

When you choose to homeschool your child, it is important that you stay in touch with their teacher (if they are employed by a public school) and make sure you know what they are learning. You can also access online courses for free or use textbooks and educational materials at the library to help teach your children.

How do I find an online school that’s right for me and my child?

When you’re considering your options for online education, the first thing you’ll need to do is pick a curriculum. The next step will be to choose a school that offers all of its courses in an online format, such as High School of America.  You should take some time to consider all of your options and what you hope to achieve from online education before you make a decision.