The Ultimate 12th Grade Curriculum Guide: Core Subjects and Elective Classes
The 12th grade is a critical time for students as they prepare to move on from high school and into college. The next four years hold the key to your future success or lack thereof, so it’s important that you do well in all of your classes.
Your choice of core subjects and electives will depend largely on what you’re interested in pursuing at the college level, but there are some broad guidelines that can help guide your decision-making process. Below, you’ll find a list of all the classes available to 12th graders, as well as which ones are considered core subjects and electives.
12th Grade Curriculum Overview
The 12th-grade curriculum is designed to help your child prepare for post-secondary education or the workforce. The coursework includes English, math (Algebra I & II), science and social studies courses. The subjects are aligned with state standards in each subject area so they’re more likely than not going into college after high school!
By the end of 12th grade, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of mathematical concepts, procedures and applications
- Develop the ability to reason quantitatively
- Effectively communicate new ideas and information clearly and accurately through writing
- Exhibit knowledge of historical events of the United States of America, their origins and development over time, as well as significant world events since 1607. Students should be able to make comparisons and analyze cause-effect relationships
- Develop an understanding of human diversity, increasing cultural awareness both domestically and globally
- Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions; to understand the impact of those decisions on society; and become productive, responsible citizens.
What Do Twelfth Graders Learn?
As a 12th grader, you have your pick of courses in most subjects. Your curriculum will vary based on which school you attend, programs available to you, and whether or not there are specific requirements for state graduation exams. However, despite these differences in educational offerings among high schools, the following courses are considered standard material for 12th graders.
- Math (Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Statistics)
- English (Language Arts 1 and 2 )
- World History (Ancient Civilizations and Modern World History)
- Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics )
- American Government or Economics
12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum
Standard courses in English language arts include reading from a variety of sources, writing essays and other short pieces, grammar review, public speaking, performing drama, analyzing literature and poetry, and more. In most cases, you’ll be learning about how these different writing skills interact with one another to form effective and cohesive arguments and stories.
- English I
- English II
- American Literature
- English III or AP English Language and Composition
- English IV or AP English Literature and Composition
12th Grade Math Curriculum
Your teachers will focus on one or more of the following: algebra, geometry, trigonometry, advanced mathematical concepts such as calculus and statistics, probability theory, and discrete math (i.e., any course that deals with logic). In addition to these specific topics, your teachers may also organize lessons around critical thinking and data interpretation, the application of math to real-life situations, or other core principles.
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Trigonometry
12th Grade Science Curriculum
These courses will vary depending on what you’re interested in studying at the college level, but generally speaking, your teachers will ask that you demonstrate mastery over concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, anatomy and physiology, psychology, sociology, and more.
In addition to the material covered in these courses, you’ll also be studying in-depth lessons in current events and in how each of these areas intersects with the others.
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics I or Environmental Science
12th Grade Social Studies Curriculum
In the social sciences, you’ll likely study topics such as civics, political science, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and history. In each course you will learn about the importance of inclusion in a democratic society through the study of public speaking, writing persuasive essays and letters to politicians, studying current events from a historical perspective, reviewing census data, and more.
- American Government
- Economics
- Geography
High School Electives
As you progress through your schooling, you’ll have increasing opportunities to explore various interests in depth. The courses below are considered electives:
Advanced Placement
The College Board’s Advanced Placement Program offers college-level courses to high school students. These advanced courses allow you to obtain college credit or advanced placement for entry into university or college. AP classes available for 12th graders include:
How to Homeschool a Twelfth Grader
A twelfth grade homeschool curriculum is all about giving your student the tools she needs to succeed in college. By now, you’re familiar with how to homeschool a middle schooler and an elementary school student, but if this is your first go-round with a high schooler, don’t worry! The process may look different from what you’re used to, but it’s just as important for your student to have a well-rounded education.
- Curriculum
A twelfth grade homeschool curriculum covers a lot of ground. You’ll want to think about the courses your child wants and/or needs in order to graduate high school. Will she be going straight to college, or will there be a gap year in-between? If it’s the latter, does she need to take any specific courses in order to meet the requirements of her chosen college major? In this case, you can focus on classes that correspond directly with your student’s interests and future goals.
Be sure to look for classes that are in line with your state’s homeschool requirements. If you are required to provide proof of curriculum completion, be sure that all of the courses on your lineup fit into some sort of recognized category. For example, if you’re required to teach “language arts,” find some way to label writing assignments and reading assignments as such.
- Scheduling
Twelfth grade homeschool students have a lot of freedom when it comes to scheduling their days. Most high schoolers will be able to get up and out the door for school on their own, so you’ll have plenty of time in the morning to plan lessons, prepare materials, grade papers, and more. The afternoons are usually free for your student to work on homework. She may need some help here or there, but for the most part, her assignments should be able to be completed independently.
- Assignments
Assignments in twelfth grade tend to take care of themselves. Your student is likely very familiar with the requirements of her curriculum at this point, so she’s able to work independently. The only thing you need to worry about are any big projects that are due throughout the year. Set up a schedule for completing these types of assignments, and try to provide some space in your student’s day for finishing them up.
- Leaving Home
Once your twelfth grader’s high school education is complete, she’ll be ready to graduate and leave home. This can be a little bittersweet for most homeschool parents, but it’s important to remember that you’ve done the best job you could have in preparing your daughter for adulthood. Now she can take all of her knowledge and skills out into the real world, and make a difference.
If you need help finding a homeschool curriculum for your twelfth grader, contact us today. Our staff can help you choose the right products to provide your student with an amazing education.
Why Choose High School of America’s 12th Grade Homeschool Curriculum?
Our twelfth grade homeschool curriculum is designed for students who know what they want from an education. We provide completely customizable coursework that allows your child complete control over his or her schedule. Here are some of the reasons to choose our program as a path towards college readiness:
- Completely Customizable
- In-Depth Personalized Curriculum
- Help in Completing Assignments
- Proper Content-Area Training
Homeschooling in 12th Grade Can Be Fun!
Our complete 9th to 12th Grade Program includes online courses for grades 9-12 Social Studies, Math, English, Science and Electives. We provide a self-paced interactive learning environment for students in grades 9-12 who want to maintain the flexibility of homeschooling but also wants the quality and accountability of traditional public high school. Homeschooled seniors receive full credit upon passing all exams and earning their diploma with us! Learn more at or call +1-(888) 242-4262 today!
High School of America is the only homeschool curriculum company worldwide to guarantee: 100% refund on all courses and programs, Diploma and Transcript reviews and work, and a supportive personal staff to help your student every step of the way from 9th grade through 12th grade. We provide personalized learning plans, expert academic instruction, and self-paced courses for busy students who want the support of home schooling with the quality of traditional academics. Learn more at or call +1-(888) 242-4262 today!
Twelfth Grade Homeschooling FAQs
What classes are required in senior year?
Most school districts require students to take a combination of advanced placement courses, college-level classes, and other electives. Make sure you check with your homeschool coordinator before signing up for too many high level courses, though! Many times the state will only count one or two of these types of courses in their homeschool graduation requirements.
What are the homeschool graduation requirements?
Homeschooling requirements vary from state to state. To find out what your local requirement is, contact your homeschool coordinator or school board. Requirements may include an examination that shows content mastery, portfolio of courses completed, and/or presentations regarding student progress over the past year.
What will my twelfth grader learn in high school?
Twelfth grade homeschool students will carry out much of the same work that is normally done in eleventh grade, but with a greater sense of autonomy. Many students are able to complete high school coursework without any assistance from their parents by this point in their education.
Where do I begin?
Choose a twelfth grade homeschool curriculum from High School of America today. Our support team will help you choose the right program for your needs, and our staff will make sure you have everything you need to provide your student with an amazing education.
How do I look up my state’s homeschool graduation requirements?
You can find your state’s homeschool graduation requirements here. For more help on homeschooling in twelfth grade, contact our support team today.
What math class do 12th graders take?
In high school, 12th graders typically take more advanced math classes such as Algebra 2 and Trigonometry. High school math courses tend to move fairly quickly and can be difficult for some students without a strong foundation in mathematics.
What science class do 12th graders take?
Science requirements vary from state to state. Some states require twelfth graders to take a biology or chemistry class, while other states only require that students complete either one of those classes as well as an additional science course. Science classes in high school tend to move fairly quickly and can be difficult for some students without a strong foundation in the subject areas. If you choose not to enroll your child in a science course, we offer a homeschool science credit for our life and physical science program. Many students choose to take the AP Biology exam as their twelfth grade science requirement.
What social studies class do 12th graders take?
In high school, twelfth graders complete a course in American Government or World History. In addition, some students choose to take an AP US History or World History course, while others opt to take a more personal look at their world by studying different cultures.
What electives do twelfth graders take?
Twelfth grade homeschool students have the opportunity to explore many different subjects that are not typically available in high school. Popular classes include art, music, Public Speaking. Writing, Personal Finance, Computer Programming/Science and foreign languages like French and Spanish.
How do I find a homeschool curriculum for 12th grade?
Homeschooling in twelfth grade can be challenging without the right tools. At High School of America we know that finding the perfect homeschool twelfth grade curriculum is not always easy. That’s why we offer high school credit courses and diploma packages for twelfth grade homeschool students. All of our programs are available as digital downloads, which means you can purchase what you need today without having to wait for package shipments or use valuable school time on curriculum assembly.
We also offer free support from our experienced homeschool counselors who can help you choose the right twelfth grade program for your student. Our curriculum packages come with a materials list that’s been approved by our staff, which saves you from having to figure out what supplies you need and where to get them.
How do I obtain a 12th grade diploma?
The twelfth grade year is an exciting one. It’s the last year of high school, which means that students are on the threshold of graduation and beginning new careers or continuing with higher education. There are many reasons to obtain a twelfth grade diploma at the end of this year. Some employers require high school diplomas as a condition of employment. In addition, some colleges and universities require that students have a high school diploma or its equivalent before they can enter into their programs.
High School of America offers 12th Grade Diplomas from our accredited programs for homeschooled twelfth graders. Our diplomas are awarded to those who pass all required courses with a C or better. Our courses are designed to prepare students for college and careers in a variety of subjects, including arts & humanities, general studies, natural sciences, life science/health, finance & economics, computer tech, business tech., information tech., manufacturing tech., fine arts and world languages.
Our online courses are affordable, flexible and provide all of the materials you need from textbooks to quizzes. We ensure that our courses meet the standards set by most state homeschooling laws. When you enroll your child into High School of America, you gain access to our online portal where you can track their progress and get updates on their grades. We also offer a free helpline for homeschoolers where you can speak with a highly-qualified counselor who will help guide your child through their junior or senior year of high school.
How do I prepare for 12th grade?
To ensure that your twelfth grader is ready for the challenges of the final year of high school, you have to prepare him or her with the right coursework. This means seeking advice about which courses are required by colleges and universities where they wish to continue their education. It also involves talking with employers about what qualifications they expect from job applicants. With this information, you can determine the courses that will be needed to get your twelfth grader ready for his or her next steps in life after high school.
There are a variety of options when it comes to selecting 12th grade coursework. You may opt to enroll your teenager into a traditional brick-and-mortar high school. Alternately, you can choose to enroll your child into an online high school where he or she will be able to complete their courses in the comfort of their own home and at their own pace. You might even want to explore dual enrollment programs that allow them to take classes for college credit through a partnering college or university.
What’s included in the 12th grade diploma?
The twelfth grade curriculum will vary depending on whether your child is enrolled in a traditional, online or dual enrollment high school program. However, all accredited programs offer coursework in areas such as academic subjects, electives and standardized national testing. Students are also required to complete an assessment called the GED or General Education Development test. This assessment is used to determine if your child can graduate from high school and obtain their 12th grade diploma.
Do you have to take history in 12th grade?
Most schools require that twelfth graders take a history course such as World History, American History or US History. Social studies classes are an important part of your child’s high school curriculum because they give them a better understanding of their world and the global community. Depending on how much information you want your child to know before graduating from 12th grade, you might opt to enroll them into a more in-depth World History course or a combination of World Studies and US History.
What other courses should my child take?
In addition to history courses, there are a number of other classes that twelfth graders should consider taking while completing their high school diploma. Courses such as health, physical education and computer technology are important because they teach techniques that students will need to know when they get their first jobs. English courses prepare your child for college or life by teaching him or her how to communicate clearly in both print and speech. They will also be able to improve their written communication skills through writing instruction.
How do you survive in Grade 12?
High school is a time of many changes and challenges. Some twelfth graders are nervous because they will be graduating soon, while others are excited because this means that they will have more freedom. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can help your child to prepare for their final year in high school. One way to do this is to provide your child with a high school study guide. These guides are designed to help students understand what they need to know for their final exams and can be purchased online or at most bookstores.
Why is 12th grade so important?
Every year, there are millions of twelfth graders around the world who graduate from high school and go on to pursue a wide variety of academic interests. This means that there is a strong demand for individuals with high school diplomas, as these credentials have become symbols of educational achievement throughout society. In many countries, students who want to attend vocational schools or community colleges need to graduate from high school. They will also have an easier time getting accepted into universities if they have completed their twelfth grade studies successfully.
What is the hardest math class?
Different students have different experiences in mathematics. Some students find that algebra is the most difficult course, while others are challenged by geometry or calculus. Fortunately, most high school diploma programs include math courses so that your twelfth grader can get the skills needed to succeed in college after graduation. If you child is having difficulty with a specific class, look for a school that offers tutoring or academic help.
How do you know if a high school is accredited?
When choosing a high school diploma program, it’s important to ensure that the certificate is going to be accepted by colleges and universities. Accreditation can take up to six months, so look for schools that have already been approved if speed is of the essence. You can check with the department for higher education in your state to make sure that a certain school is accredited or approved for homeschooling.
What is the best way to do online learning?
If you’re interested in learning more about how your twelfth grader can complete an online high school diploma program , there are a couple of different ways that they can go about doing it. The first option is to choose a school that offers self-paced courses. This means that your twelfth grader will be able to complete their required courses at their own pace.
Self-paced courses are ideal for students who have busy schedules or who need to take time off between classes. The second option is to choose a school that offers online social learning. This approach allows your twelfth grader to interact with peers and teachers in real time.
How old are 12th graders?
In most high school diploma programs, students who are in their twelfth grade year will be at least 16 years old. However, there are a few different schools that do allow students who have recently turned 15 to start out their studies early. This can be beneficial for your child because they’ll finish the program before other students and get a head start on their college education. If your twelfth grader is interested in attending a school that offers online courses, they should also check to see if the location of the school will be convenient. Distance learning courses are ideal for students who have busy schedules or who need to take time off between classes.
What grade is a 12-year-old in the US?
In the US, a child who is twelve years old will be in their sixth grade year.
Questions about the twelfth grade?
If you have additional questions or concerns about online 12th grade coursework for homeschooled students, please contact the Educational Consultants at High School of America today. We’re available via our number as well as through email to accommodate your busy schedule.
High School of America is an online high school that offers a 12th grade courses for homeschooled students. Our accredited courses are designed to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed for college and careers in a variety of areas, including business tech., computer tech., finance & economics, arts & humanities, general studies, life science/health, natural sciences, information tech. and manufacturing tech. Contact us today to learn more and enroll!